The Path of Ascension Vol. 9 - The Path of Self-Esteem

The Path of Ascension Vol. 9 - The Path of Self-Esteem

To truly embody self esteem, all praise, all love, all glory we feel we need, must first come from within, one needs to feel full even in the most quiet and alone places of life in order to truly give to the world.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.4 - The Path of Abundance " I am nature, nature is me..."

Dear Nature Divine,

Mother Nature in all of her forms is abundant, just as you are naturally abundant as you are part of nature. Every manifestation of nature requires many components to make a whole picture, many colors to paint the landscape, many pieces to the puzzle of life to complete the circle. Nature is about harmony, balance and diversity, when we allow nature to be diverse, to be expressed and to be honored we see the true abundance available in even the tiniest of spaces. To become one with nature one must accept the natural abundance within, all aspects and manifestations of the divine into a physical form share the innate abundance of the universe. It takes billions of cells to make up a body, it takes billions of blades of grass to make up a meadow and trillions of grains of sand to make up even a foot of a beach, everything that nature shows us, shows us abundance and community. The beauty of a landscape is not achieved by a singular vision or entity, although one tree may be beautiful standing on it’s own, is it really ever on it’s own? Part of the beauty of nature is that everything is a moving manifestation of the balancing forces of creation. The tree requires the soil, the soil requires the water, the mycelium require the soil, the water and the dead parts of the tree, the entire network of life is built up layer by layer with abundance, community, harmony and balance, every part of the picture giving way to its next part and so on. In observation of this divine dance of the natural order of life we see that nothing is ever lost, we observe that in true nature there is nothing wasted, everything is used to create more for the next stage of life. Humanity has been separated from the natural harmony of life which teaches us to be like nature; never waste, always support one another, always continue growing, be adaptable, co-exist in beauty, abundance, community and harmony.

Observation is a key when living in a state of abundance, it is important to observe the vibration of the body and energy when creating visions, experiences and manifesting work and community in our lives. The higher the vibration we can be at when creating something new in our lives to experience the higher the vibration is which comes back to us in return, meaning greater abundance in our lives. Generally when our attitude is negative or heavy, heaviness follows us. When we embody a state of lightness, excitement and joy, we are more likely to be productive and create greater abundance in our lives. Everything is energy, the energy we put into life is the energy we get back, when we continue to live out of balance with the natural self, we create greater imbalances within us and throughout the world. In order to truly respond to the great shift of consciousness and walk the path of ascension abundantly, humanity is asked to change the mindset that they are separate from nature. It is important to remember and return to the mindset of oneness with nature, that as we are part of this planet we are one with this planet, we are all here meant to grow and support each other just as the water, the soil, the mycelium and the trees, we are the animal kingdom, we are meant to be here for specific jobs and one of our jobs is stewardship.

We pray for you to remember that humanity is here to steward the earth, to take care of the earth, to be here to assist as hands and feet on the ground to walk softly upon the earth, observe and be aware of when we can assist in the flow of life. Our hope for humanity is that you will remember that your path is one with the earth, the evolution of Gaia, will be your evolution, when it is time for her to balance everything out again, she will, whether you are prepared for it or not. What we would like to suggest is that you do prepare for a great shift in what abundance and prosperity even really are. Is abundance really big houses and fancy cars? Maybe to some it represents that but is it the true abundance we are meant to be here to care for? Is it abundance to create barren lands for the sake of excess? Nature provides more than any of us need already and when we manipulate her into producing even more of some specific things while at the sake of destroying the diversity, we are creating imbalance.

The imbalance of human society when it comes to living with nature is at an all time high, we do not wish to bring you fear or alarm, we do wish to let you know to prepare for a change in consciousness where perhaps the value of what is prosperity, what is abundance, changes it’s significance. What if we lived in a way which saw growing of food as individuals and communities to be abundant and prosperous? What if it was a “selling feature” of a property or house that the soil is healthy and there is a lot of space to grow food? What if we honored the diversity of the nature around a home as the significance of value, not simply the size of the lot, or how much money one can make off of it… what if it was about harmony and balance with nature which we gave value to? Humanity is being called to start to remember that there is no lack, there is only abundance. Living in harmony with nature is possible. It is possible to preserve instead of destroy, it is possible to diversify instead of monopolize, it is all possible. It may take many great shifts in consciousness and many changes to the functions of society. We hope you can start with the step of remembering that everything is destined to grow, you are part of that destiny. Take a few breaths and affirm aloud “ I am nature, Nature is me!” , “ Thank you for the abundance that I am” , “ I am nature, Nature is me”, “ I am one with the natural abundance of the universe” !

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "Life is a gift, Thank you for this gift of life"

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "Life is a gift, Thank you for this gift of life"

There is no force which can choose your life for you,

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "an attitude of gratitude"

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "an attitude of gratitude"

Celebrate, with gratitude, everything that is before you right now, become the very celebration of life which surrounds us in all manifestations of nature.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 8 - The Path of Dharma (conclusions)

Dear Infinite Creative Lifeforce Potential,

We write to you today to bring you a bit of a summary on The Path of Dharma as we have offered in the previous 9 volumes of this publication. We ask of you to really allow yourself to sink into a space of loving awareness, take a few deep intentional breaths, envision your thoughts dissolving away and allow the body to open to integration. Clearing the mind, body and spirit with one’s breath and intention, as we have mentioned before is one of the key ways to align with dharma, it requires daily practices and commitment to those practices which allow us to clear the mind and body in order to align with and clearly listen to the soul. Dharma is all about balance, harmony and communication, we are given the gift of the temple of the body in order to become clear channels of divine wisdom, every single being has this opportunity, to be the bridge between earth and sky, material and immaterial, corporeal and divine. We are given the chance to awaken to our true nature and walk the path before us by releasing programs and conditions in order to become truly present with the moment.

Loving awareness is the key to living in Dharma, to walk the path of soul destiny our awareness needs to be attuned to the state of unconditional love so we are always learning, receiving and growing from our experiences instead of judging and getting stuck within them.

The universe is a home of unconditional love, there is only loving awareness underneath everything, karma seeks to bring us back to loving awareness, however it may tear apart our identified self, the ego and all of its clinging in order to illuminate the truth of self beneath it all. - The Path of Ascension Vol.7.3

We encourage you to remember and realize that all things are coming up for clearing at this time, many of you are going through a “dark night of the soul”, the collective is moving through this process as one. All of the aspects of creation which are out of alignment with the true nature of humanity are coming up for release and alchemical reconfiguration. Unreal to the real, untruth to truth, darkness to light, death to immortality. Humanity has always been on the path to self realization, this path is the dharma of the universe working through all karma. The nature of everything is to evolve and expand, the nature of the universe is to become one again with all that is. All aspects of divinity weave together the tapestry of harmony, the universe is meant to be a symphony of colour and sound. Frequencies of all kinds coming together to form the AUM. “Who are we really?”, resounding through all of creation, an anchor of remembering the nature of divinity that we truly are. To find balance along the path of creation and dharma is both a challenge and a gift, the challenge brings us greater strength and awareness therefore within it lies that very gift. Avoidance of challenge or discomfort in life holds us back, we are not encouraging you to create problems or indulge and perpetuate suffering in your life, we are encouraging you to remember that you are part of the whole, part of oneness, to remember that every thought you think and action you take holds some sort of resonance within the collective. The vibration from which we resonate our thoughts has a great deal to do with what situations manifest in our lives, we pray for you to remember that you are a co-creator and with that ability you always have the power to choose how to respond to situations of challenge and adversity. The power to change your state, your vibration and any situation you are facing is always within you, even where conditions, programs and trauma are stored in the body, there is always a solution and there is always a choice, self-healing requires commitment and devotion, to heal the self is to meet dharma in the temple of the body.

Much of society today faces the dilemma of feeling lacking in purpose, people are stressed and saddened by much of what they devote their time to each day for the sake of keeping up with society as well as to survive. With so much distraction from soul directly built into the very fabric of society, taking time to self care and devote to healing practices seems like a fantasy to a lot of people. How is one supposed to align with truth when much of their identity is based off of illusion or fear? We have mentioned that fear is one of the biggest controlling forces on earth, especially at this time, fear perpetuates the illusion. We also offered a brief assay on “maya- illusion” within volume 7.9 The Path of Dharma of Soul.

There is always something to learn and integrate while evolving, along The Path of Ascension, self awareness and forgiveness of self is key. For any human to intend embodiment of higher consciousness, divine consciousness, unconditional love, higher awareness, loving awareness, enlightenment, oneness, what have you…. all paths require the step of self-love. To truly love another, one must love themselves. We see so many rampant psychological and physiological imbalances appearing in society today, it is one aspect to intend to repair these things, however without a radical shift in consciousness and the way we are living as a collective it is less likely we will encounter true healing. One is tasked with changing core beliefs if one intends to heal.

We called this section The Path of Dharma (conclusions) because we wish to bring together some of the keys of aligning with dharma, however in Dharma nothing really concludes, nothing really ends, it all becomes new again. To align with Dharma is to align with divine timing, to be open to the cyclical nature of time, allowing yourself to be fully present with each now moment. The true nature of the universe is that everything which “ends” feeds a new beginning. All of the layers of life are always interconnected as part of one ending and the next beginning. The greatest magic to dharma is presence, presence with the eternal now moment, the present is named such because it is a gift, we are given the gift of transformation, of cycles of death and rebirth in order to be able to learn the power of surrender. There are some things in life that are simply meant to pass, we can not control those moments, first is to surrender to them, then is to become aware of the reactions to them. When we become aware of the true gift of the present moment whether the experience is “good” or “bad” we learn that every experience and how we react to it is our choice and all lies in the perceptions we hold. Nothing and no one is ever truly lost, everything and everyone is offered to the cycle of time as part of the new present in some way or another. Consciousness, like energy can never be destroyed, it can only transform.

We pray for you to remember that you are transforming, in every breath and every moment, part of you is renewed, you are given so many tools to work with in order to make the alchemy of transformation one of lower to higher states instead of the reverse which much of society is tailored to. Keep on rising Beloved beings! We are with you every step of the way all you need to do is ask for clarity and messengers will arrive to you through the mysteries of the universe!

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!

गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

To be gifted with this body is to be given a map through all of time and space. Every cell is the culmination of all of the ancestors which have come before it, and all of the experiences of the soul within it. You are a blueprint to self realization encoded in the very cells which make up the miracle of you.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.6 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.6 - The Path of Dharma

Life, like water, is meant to flow, it may rush, it may trickle, it may pour, it may crash, yet in no part of it, is it really meant to be rigid. The river requires a bed to flow through, yet the water also creates its own path when necessary. Let the mind be like water, detach from the identity you have built up and be open to the truth within you shining through it.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.5 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.5 - The Path of Dharma

When a being is aligning with dharma there is a process or a practice which helps to keep the flow of energy clear through the vessel and generated fields, this is one of the most important aspects of living in dharma, in order to stay aligned with our destined path we require some sort of daily commitment to a practice which clear the mind and clears the field around us so that we can focus our energy on the present moment

The Path of Ascension 7.4 - The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension 7.4 - The Path of Dharma

The power of devotion is really in the intentional vibration emitted from our heart centered intentions. When we connect to, devote to and honor the divine spirit within what we see around us, we tend to create more beauty, a deeper sense of harmony and find a way to connect to the culture of the nature around us.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.3- The Path of Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.3- The Path of Dharma

This is one of the most amazing aspects of Dharma, it works with the calling of the soul, karma and divine alignment. When something is right, we must recognize it is right and put all of our energy and efforts towards it. Taking the time each day to tune in, listen and ask; Are my actions right action?

The Path of Ascension Vol. 6.4 - The Path of Steadfastness to Dharma

The Path of Ascension Vol. 6.4 - The Path of Steadfastness to Dharma

. Our evolution is dependent on learning to love each other for our differences and to work through connecting the community by healing the collective diseases of the mind, body and spirit. For any society to go through this shift, the commitment to self love must be the foundation and the core.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 6 - The Path of Steadfastness

Dear Force of Creation within,

We write to you today to bring a reminder of commitment, capability and motivation. The Channel has had a lot going on and has had to take a couple of days to integrate along with writing The Path of Ascension. We set out on this journey with an even greater vision and are working together to harmonize the energies in order to fulfill that vision. We will revive communications on The Path of Integration near the end of the 90 days of The Path of Ascension series. We and the channel, wish to thank you deeply for being here now to receive these teachings and share your unique energy signature with our field as we expand and grow together. On this path of Ascension there are many challenges we may face depending on what is hiding within us waiting to be released and in turn setting us free. Every individual has set out a sort of map for their lives with key energy point which open gates to self realization, this is a big part of why the spiritual paths ask the questions; “Who are you really?”, “What are you really here for?” and offer the reminder and advice to “remember who you truly are”. The paths which ask these questions and give us these reminders, also give us the answer quite directly, all spiritual paths rooted in divine truth and love seek to unite all souls back with the source of all that is, these paths tell you quite directly you are a child of god/goddess/universe, you are one with this universe and you are a being of multidimensional infinite potential. The Paths of Ascension all lead us through ourselves to the truth of oneness in unconditional loving awareness of our interconnected nature. The trick is to wade through the muddy waters of life while remembering that everything is temporary and that you have the power to get through all of it as you are one with god/goddess. When we are separate from this truth the murkiness of life can become our reality, this is why today we wish to speak to you about Steadfastness.

The channel writing this from spirit and inner knowledge from experiences and remembering has a pattern to drop tasks, become distracted, procrastinate and often misses out on follow through. This is why we bring messages about steadfastness, a strong state of being which absolutely without a doubt committed to the task at hand. This means being vigilant, being aware and being self motivated. This means finding a purpose, “a why” for everything we do, finding the conviction within the why and carrying forward with our actions from a place of devotion and purposeful intent. Our consciousness has the ability to choose how to respond to any situation in any moment, often through conditions, doubts or fears, we forget we have the option to choose how to respond and to choose how to move forward with anything we are doing. A steadfast person chooses to be in a state of awareness which is focused on the task at hand to completion, despite any challenges one may face. This energy of commitment to the task is called for when committing to the spiritual journey and the path of ascension. You are being called upon now to Stand in Your Power and take command of your life. You are being called now to activate the co-creator within you and stand strong in the face of all challenges or adversity to attaining your vision of truth and love.

Humanity is at a precipice now, consciousness is coming to a place of such massive expansion and so much processing that at time the challenge itself is to receive the information in a grounded and connected manner. When we are ungrounded, unstable, imbalanced or what have you the challenge to receive the new energy becomes even more tumultuous. When we are doing the soul-work we must face our “weaknesses”. Our instabilities and insecurities are rooted in some conditioning or patterns, the path of awakening brings them all up to the surface so we can better discover our strengths instead of being taken down by our “shortcomings”.

Every aspect of you is worthy or respect and love, every challenge gives you a chance to stand in your power and face it head on. This is why we ask you to commit to yourself each day, commit to loving and forgiving, healing and strengthening, commit to uniting with yourself, the divine and the divine love all around you. We encourage you now to stay strong in your power, believe in yourself, believe in your vision and bring the light of the sacred into everything you do. Now, is the time to commit to your path and you have the strength to do it, as you continue to shed the old layers away you become stronger and are better able to be steadfast in the face of the challenges. This motivation from a place of devotion to the goal rises from your core and gives you strength for all of your endeavors. Now is the time to bring in the new and there is so much space to clear in order to do so, we must be prepare to stand strong like a warrior in the face of our inner demons, outer influences, shadow energies and thought forms, we must stand firm like a mother protecting and nurturing her child each day and night despite being totally exhausted, we must find that inner strength.

In order to create the new and ground in the True earth, allowing us all to live within our full power, it is important to prepare the way and be ready to cut out and burn away all that is no longer serving us as we get ready for the new to grow. This takes commitment to reach new ground, to upturn the weeds, the old and till the ground, filling it with new compost and new soil, all of the fertile life giving processes of breakdown matter - energy. The clearing itself asks us to become certain in our vision, clear in our perception and to embody the strength required to get all that is no longer serving out of the way of the new creation. The reward is in finding the new empty space you are giving way to, it is not exactly the result you are excited about but it is the open space into which new creations and new results can be brought in. Sometimes, it is important to celebrate the moments when it seems like nothing is happening, sinking into that nothingness is sinking into potential. All that is was birthed from and is held within the vast nothingness between all things. The everything that is nothing, the infinite mystery of the universe is potential.

As many have expounded previously, god is eternal, god is consciousness, the universe is consciousness and all are part of this force of creation, we are children of the universal consciousness the intelligent design, the cosmic web. Consciousness changes the potential of the nothingness into something, we can say to ourselves “oh no there is nothing, i have nothing, I am nothing, i give up” or we can remind ourselves “oh no there is nothing, this is a beautiful canvas on which to create, this is new ground within which to plant seeds, this blank space is potential for the creation of everything”. Even in the nothingness there is always a little something, the infinite creative lifeforce potential of the cosmic mother, everything which grows and is created is a result of determined union. We need to focus our energies and come together in order to create new worlds, new life, new experiences. This calls us to allow and be present with our experiences in their fullness.

When incarnated here on earth, the energies and emotions of every being are affecting one another even if one is not aware or does not believe that, we tell you it is true and quantum physics has begun proving this and will continue to do so. It is through consciousness that everything happens, through observation of what is, what is changes. Nothing is stationary, everything is moving, changing and malleable dependent on consciousness, when we regulate and relegate consciousness with rules and regulations we limit the scope of what is possible. Every one of us is connected. Every thought, feeling, experience is felt in some part by the entire collective, everything is relative. When we know this, we can become aware of the fact that much of society and accepted knowledge actually limits our ability to be conscious. Much of what is taking place each day on the earth as far as the intensities of suffering many beings are experiencing actually lowers the vibration of the entire collective, within this paradigm we are more susceptible to empathic reactions to collective emotion. When you feel heavy, depressed, sad, frustrated etc. and can not quite put your finger on why, this is very likely a collective emotion. This again asks us to be steadfast in our self care and awareness.

We invite you today to go out in nature and stand barefoot by the roots of a tree, if you can not do this, envision this in your mind’s eye or find another spot in nature you can stand. See your self standing with that tree, feel yourself standing with that tree. Envision yourself growing roots into the earth just like that tree and notice the strength and flexibility that trees have. The power and strength they have to stay rooted and weather the storms, to respond to subtle and big changes with grace, ease and grounded stability. Observe these qualities within the trees, and observe these qualities within yourself. Stand strong in your power, with readiness to move with grace and ease, you may sway in the storm yet you will always come back to balance. Imagine and sense yourself filling with the strength of trees, the strength of mountains and the strength of the divine spirit of all that is. You are a strength, you are grounded, you are stable. Stand in your power, be steadfast today, breakthrough the doubt, break through resistance. Tell yourself, I am steadfast and I am ready to live my life in fullness.

We will expand this path further over the next few days as we continue to integrate and add to the previous paths we have explored along our daily Path of Ascension! Thank you dear one for being here, you are love, we send you love, we are grateful for your strength and power here and now!

The Path Of Ascension Vol. 5.2- The Path of Integration

The Path Of Ascension Vol. 5.2- The Path of Integration

When we are walking the Path of Integration, it is important to take the time to truly love and respect yourself for all that you are. Love and accept yourself for all that you have been through and let the good and the bad be thanked, integrated and released. When you integrate the lessons, all attachments, mental and emotional, dissolve away and you become more whole. How can you take time to integrate today?

The Path of Ascension Vol 4.5 - The Path of Unification to Integration

Dear Universal Love Within,

Sacred one, we call to you this day to look within your being and ask yourself; Have I integrated my shadows? Have I integrated my light? Have I integrated my lessons? Open up a blank page in a journal, write down each of these questions and leave some space underneath each of them for writing down what comes to you. Breathe deeply into each of these questions and ask them each to yourself a few times, in your mind and heart or aloud, breathe and feel into the parts of you that feel acknowledged, loved and respected, the parts of you that feel complete, free of judgement and ready to live. As you ask the questions, see what comes to you, are there some things you could put a little more intention towards or work into in order to integrate more deeply and unite with your True Self. Are you able to tune into the parts that still feel left behind, doubtful, fearful, bitter or chaotic. Where do your thoughts and feelings go when you sit in the present moment and breathe? You are the one who knows and the one who observes. Through the process of connection to soul and choosing to integrate all aspects of self into divine oneness, the balance of divine feminine, divine masculine and the elements within, we become more integrated, more complete and accepting of our lives and circumstances. This is part of a true unity consciousness or a state of inner unification, the ability to accept what was, accept what will be and accept what is, and in a space of unconditional love, be present with the now.

We are each given the opportunity to evolve through every life experience, whether we become stuck, lost or fragmented in attachment to the past or fear of the future, we are given the opportunity to integrate the charged emotion and thereby neutralize the reaction to the circumstance, whatever circumstance, or inner emotional stirring which may cause a reactionary state, a dissociative state or fight, flight or freeze reaction. This can be achieved through mindfulness, mindfulness really starts with taking an extra moment to consider one’s state of being, before and throughout all actions in the world, all thoughts, beliefs and reactions in the mind, mindfulness asks us to slow down, to make our breath the foundation of our focus and to work with the state of loving awareness through all actions, taking an extra moment of connection to the breath in order to observe the self moving through life, in this way we transform every experience into a meditation, and observation of the evolution of self. Through this state of self-awareness we cultivate an energy wave pattern which resonates out with a field of peace, observation and acceptance, when we are in this state we are more likely to integrate our experiences for the teachings and evolution the offer us as we go through them, rather than, fragmenting, judging, separating and simultaneously, holding onto the very energies, thoughts and emotions we are intending to transcend.

To unify the being, we are called to love, forgive, accept and allow the self to heal through the awareness of our true state which is of true unconditional love, interconnected and interwoven through all levels and layers of the universe, for this connection of unconditional loving consciousness we are the bridge. A bridge must be strong, this is why we are asked to fortify our bodies, minds and spirits in order to have a strong foundation within which to hold space for the light of the universe and the evolution of all the children of the universe. This ability to hold space, starts with your ability to hold space for yourself throughout your most challenging experiences. Remember, the more mindful we are, the more the challenges in life become opportunities to grow, the more we raise our vibrations and come to a state of loving awareness the more we are able to invite and allow the true beauty of life’s miracles to reveal to us. When we get caught in cloudy or polluted perceptions, we get caught in realities that do not really belong to us, this creates cognitive dissonance, confusion and attachment to comfort zones. The being does not truly grow from the state of dissonance, one must choose to create a clear core belief within them that every challenge is and opportunity and every experience is here to teach me and show me a way forward in my life. We are commonly prone to being caught up in the victim mindset which doesn’t seek to heal, it seeks to hide, the victim mindset, when very deeply ingrained, creates a stuck feeling of hopelessness and helplessness that everything is done to me, then becomes, I deserve to be hurt, when the conditioning sets in to this degree we start to magnetize abusive situations into our lives and we may be prone to abusing ourselves in some way.

There is nothing wrong with you if you have been or still feel victimized, you probably were, but the intention here is to help you see that if you allow yourself to live as a victim in your life, if you abuse yourself or allow current or future abuse to come to you, cross your boundaries and cause you to suffer, you are allowing the energy of abuse to win. To give your power over to your pain, gives the predators and abusers the very energy they are preying on you for. When you let yourself suffer in darkness and fear because you were hurt before, you start to limit your scope of existence and life becomes more and more fearful over time. You deserve to be free of this mindset, you deserve to claim your power back. Your trauma, your pain, your suffering does not have to have power over you anymore. You deserve to let it all go and you are ready to let it all go, forgive yourself, forgive the other, be grateful you have an opportunity to heal and grow from this now if you so choose. Take a deep breath in, tune into your breath and read through the follow healing commands a few times through “ I allow myself to heal, I allow myself to feel, I allow myself to Heal, I allow myself to feel, I am free, I am free, I am free. I call back to me now, all fragments of my being, I am unity, I am unified, I am balance, I am ME”

Now is a time of great celebration, celebrate the beauty of your being, celebrate the diversity of your journey! We are calling you now to Celebrate in joy, bliss, abundance and beauty all of the challenges, fears, doubts and insecurities, all of the circumstances of suffering and pain, we invite you to celebrate it all for making you stronger. If you are still here, you are stronger than you think, celebrate yourself for being here now, celebrate yourself for being ready to be present in your life. This is a time of embracing all aspects of ourselves and our lives with no more judgement, we must allow the human experience to unfold and it is time now to remember that we are all one family of light and we are all evolving as one. It is time now to remember that every thought, every word and every action affects the collective, what affect do we want to have on this world? It is time now to remember that the pains of the past, and the fears of the future can not have any power over us but the power we give them. It is time now to remember and believe in your power as One with God/Goddess, as a Child of God/Goddess, as a sacred gift of love to the universe itself. Love yourself and celebrate who you are for the miracle that you are. Take a deep breath in and repeat “ I love myself, I accept myself, I am love” breathe in this love and let this roll through your mind, heart and soul as you allow love and acceptance to wash over you and through you. Now is the time to integrate and unite! Be bright!

A’ho! Namaste! Sat Nam!

The Path of Ascension Vol. 4.4 - The Path of Unification

Dear Integrated Soul,

As we walk through the waves of energy, emotion, confusion and clarity, wisdom and ignorance, we are called to look at our true selves and find ways to focus our energies on returning to the source within, returning to the center of ourselves. This “returning to center” is another aspect of The Path of Unification, our centered self is the result of taking the time to cultivate the optimal and ideal energy and state in order to express ourselves fully in our truth in life. It is often found that over time we experience so many experiences on such a spectrum and range of emotion that we become sort of scattered, this feeling of being scattered is due to fragmented energy. We are multidimensional beings, we are energy as matter, we are consciousness as matter, as multidimensional beings our focus is a major part of what “makes or breaks” our lives, when we focus on too many things at once that we can not think any of them through, we are actually not only splitting our minds we are also fragmenting our energy. We leave energetic imprints in space time with everything we do, the more emotionally intense a moment is, the more likely we are to make a fragmentation or a split, this occurs in traumatic moments and it also occurs in the most emotionally impactful along the entire spectrum of emotion. The more we focus outwardly without true awareness and the less grounded we are, the more we become scattered in our minds. To take the time to breathe and come back to center, reminds us to step into the eternal now moment and allow ourselves to connect the unified consciousness within and all around. To unify, we must integrate, our light and our shadows.

Integration is about claiming back all of the emotionally charged moments in your life and finding the route to neutralization and “de” or repolarization. When we go into our deepest shadows and when we revisit our greatest highs, we can start getting stuck in the past or the future and this leads to being absent from the now. In order to live in a unified state, one must become fully present with the now, the eternal now moment which connects us all through space and time is ever present and ever calling you home to your soul. You are the light of your soul, you are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are bliss, you are, you are. To remember this truth is to integrate all parts of you which you have left behind, lost, felt separate from, or been stuck reliving, you deserve to move on with your life and in order to do that one needs to love and let go, it is in the power of accepting, loving and forgiving all of the hard moments in life that we gather the power to actually fully integrate the best ones.

Our universe does not have light without shadow, everything is in divine balance, the more we focus on one thing the more we create that energy with our mind, if we are always focused on the shadow, the shadow gets bigger, when we focus on the power of the light, the light gets bigger, the truth is, balance will always find it’s way, which is why we are called to neutralize the pain of the past and neutralize the anticipation or fear of the future, by coming into the now. It is as simple as taking a deep breath and saying to yourself, “I surrender, I allow, I surrender, I allow, I allow myself to be present in the Now” allow the breath to flow through you and listen to the breath flowing in and out, come into presence with yourself, now say, “ I love my shadow, I love my light, I am balance” take a few deep breaths and repeat these a few times continuing deep powerful breaths in between the words. Now continuing along and allow your awareness to remind you of a moment where you lost yourself, you lost control, you were so ecstatic you couldn’t contain yourself, you were so elated you burst out into laughter or singing, the moments you fell in love, the moments you felt abused, think of the times in your life that were the most emotionally charged, breathe deeply and repeat a few times “ I love myself, I accept myself, I am love, I integrate all aspects of myself now, I love and accept myself fully and completely, I integrate my shadows with no judgement, I integrate my light with no judgement, I claim all fragments of my being back now, I am empowered, integrated and complete” read a few times to remember the previous set and keep repeating these until you feel some kind of shift in your body mind our soul.

We will continue to explore The Path of Unification for a few more Days!!!! Thank you for being here Now!

The Path of Ascension Vol. 4.2 - The Path of Unification

Dear Integrated Soul,

Today we continue to walk and explore The Path of Unification! Through this path as part of the greater walk to ascended consciousness we are invited and encouraged to become unified within ourselves and cultivate unity around us. This path involves learning to communicate with, listen to, activate and utilize the divine feminine and divine masculine energy channels within us, bringing unity and awakening to the innate forces of creation contained within the human being. Almost all traditional spiritual teachings contain some sort of intentional work to balance the masculine and feminine roles within us and in community, they also generally contain tools and rituals to bring awareness, acknowledgement and balance to the natural elements; earth, air, fire, water, soul (spirit, ether), in observation of this interconnected knowledge, we can surmise that in order to reach states of higher consciousness, work with other dimensions and activate the power we have as co-creators of the universe, able to transform and manifest creations in both the immaterial and material realms.

As one who is walking the path of ascension, to work on inner unification is one of the most important steps one can take. The cosmic principles of creation are always working through us to bring us into the state of unification. This is about balancing the thoughts, the emotions, the energies within and around us in order to come into a state of peace within. We are asked to face our inner conflicts, the energies and emotions which create imbalances or fearful situations for ourselves or our lives. Unification is a process of acknowledging and reprogramming the mindsets, emotions, thought forms and limiting beliefs which seek to hold us in a state of separation, dissonance or conflict. Through, self inquiry, Who am I? and through the choices we make each day, each breath, each moment to consider where our consciousness is focused! Is the mind supporting the self, or is it sabotaging the self, is the language and focus within healthy balanced perceptions or is the consciousness within being used to categorize, degrade and separate you from your true nature. The programs and conditioning of society are tuned to manipulate unity and create group mind consciousness which seeks to think or act the same in some way, this creates the vulnerability point to become segregating or separatist, some kind of core belief was instilled which says “my group is better than your/their group” we are constantly being manipulated by this game, especially in today’s society.

When we have inner conflict, when we cannot see ourselves as whole, complete and part of the universal oneness of all things, we are vulnerable to getting stuck in states of fear and separation as well as ignorance, these states allow a group mind consciousness to overtake your natural self, or thought forms and entities or programmed states of reality. These programs and conditions seek out and pray off of inner separation, if part of you doubts yourself, is scared, hates yourself, questions your value or worth, this is a core cognitive dissonance and a deep inner conflict. The state of true unity, unification within, comes from the core belief that we are all one within the light and unconditional love of divine creation, creator, motherfatherchild god. A unified being doesn’t go around harming themselves or others, a unified being doesn’t seek out ways to create or perpetuate suffering, unified being’s do not push around or control others, a unified being is about compassion, unconditional love and acceptance. The more of us that choose to embody a unified state; acknowledgement and balance of divine feminine and divine masculine, acknowledgement and balance of the divine state of truth that we are, choosing to live a healthy balanced life in mind, body and spirit- balancing the elements of creation.

The true state of unity is found when the beings who unite are unified within, otherwise we are vulnerable to the group mind conditioning which instills programs of separation and remove the state of unity from our lives slowly by create a false sense of unification through conformity to group mind consciousness. The conditions and programs of separation really begin to fall away when we love ourselves enough to let them go. When we can fully love and embrace al aspects of self we can fully love and embrace the world at large. Begin today by simply pondering; Who am I really? breathe and meditate with this question and write down what comes to you. After this take some time to breathe and command: I am a unified being! I am unified consciousness! I am one with the divine aspects within me and all around me! I am one with the elements of creation within me and around me! I am one with the all that is! I am unification!

We send you this blessing today,

May you find all that you need to see within you! May you release all inner conflicts and return to the inner knowing that you are divinity incarnate! May you let go of the segregated mind, body and spirit and strengthen the bonds within you for peace, love, prosperity and oneness! May you find the unity that you seek and may it be true unification! You are LOVE!

The Path of Ascension Vol. 4 - The Path of Unification

The Path of Ascension Vol. 4 - The Path of Unification

All beings deserve to experience the state of unification and it is up to the human being, residing here with Mother Gaia, to choose a state of unification within which then resonates out to the whole collective field.

The Path of Ascension Vol. 3.5 - The Path of Fortification to Unification

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The PAth of Fortification

Dear United BEing,

In today’s path of ascension we will summarize The Path of Fortification and begin to explore The Path of Unification. So far the path of Fortification has taken us through the concepts of strengthening the mind, body and soul. The power we have to change our realities, rests in choosing which conditioning we allow to set into place within the mind and body, the different layers and levels of conditioning along the spectrum of duality either bring us closer to soul or further away from it. The more separate we become from our soul, the more the ego lashes out and creates problem reactions situations for us in our lives. Eventually the more the ego controls us through our daily actions by running of stifled, stagnant or explosive emotions and mental conditions and programs the more we become disconnected from the mission of soul which is to learn and evolve through unconditional love. When we become negatively aligned in our thinking or self deprecating in any way we start to build energy in the body and mind which creates wired responses to certain stimuli, these reactions can be built up over time and start to create habits and perceptions which color and transform our reality into the lower realms of creation. This then magnifies a stuck feeling as well as begins to magnetize dark energies and negative situations to us which are really there to show us our own shadows.

When we get stuck into this energy field of pain and separation the body-mind-spirit connection becomes erratic, chaotic, discordant and can create an array of mental projection, delusions and disorders which enforce a state of fear and separation. So much of life contains experiences of challenge which are really there to give us opportunity to re-condition ourselves to see situations from higher perspectives and clear awareness. This takes daily work and commitment to cultivate a state of inspired motivation and a state of open communication with the aspects of your being, soul, mind, body. When we take some time each day to connect to ourselves or fortify the power of the different aspects of our being, we are fortifying the bond between these forces of creation and manifestations of god.

When we fortify the mind we tear down old pathways and resistances, release limiting beliefs and open up to new possibilities, then we work on creating healthy new neural pathways which we train, condition and strengthen to think well and positively about ourselves and lives. This process is all about changing the inner story, core beliefs and mental narrative by examining and choosing new language. To take back the power of your mind by transforming the way you think is to take back the power you have within you as a co-creator with the divine. This process does take time and patience, especially for someone working their way out of crisis or entrenched stuck spaces.

When we fortify the body, we look at what must be shed first, how can we detoxify, purify and let go of the stuck energies and “dead weight” within and around the body. We explore what our capabilities are and what our limitations are and in this exploration choose one goal to work on first, get moving a little more each day, do a daily walk, do 20 pushups a day, practice 1hr of yoga per day, do a cleansing practice, listen to what your body needs by staying in tune each day to how you are feeling, when you receive the answer that you need to move more, or strengthen this or that or cleanse out somewhere or something, take a small step in that moment towards that goal even if it means drinking an extra glass of water.

When we fortify the soul, we look at how we are expressing the truth within us. This starts by optimizing the vessel and the channels of the mind and moves into creating a daily spiritual practice which resonates with ones life and feels nourishing to the soul. We are encouraged to remember who we truly are and remind ourselves that we are beings of divine love. Some ways to work on this are through yoga, meditation, sacred music/medicine music/ mantra and sound frequencies. It is also important to embody forgiveness for everything which has come before us to teach us in this life, cultivating compassion and self love, and from that place of self love we can create a deeper sense of awareness!

As one is working on fortifying the individual aspects of the body, subtle shifts begin to take place in all aspects and areas of the body, which bring us into new states of awareness and charge us with even more energy to make changes. This process of strengthening pathways and connection between the mind, body and soul, is to create bonds with and between the different aspects of the self. These bonds start to create the unified being which is a level of consciousness which allows us to start truly experiencing unity and oneness. The process of unification is linked to the process of fortification because as we start to strengthen the different aspects of the self we move through and encounter our blockages and employ either the masculine energy or feminine energy of self towards our goals for transformation and balance. When we start to really acquaint with our nature, we all of different levels of balance which serve us, the game is not 50%/50 it is knowing when and how to work with 100% of these energetic forces in their wholeness in order to change your being, self expression and life. You may be aligned as a more masculine energy or a more feminine energy but wherever you are in this alignment you have to find the balance that works for you. When we want to transform from heaviness to lightness we will need to look at uniting with our masculine energy side to activate the strengthening and conditioning it offers. When we are becoming frustrated or angry, we need to connect with the feminine energy of nurturing, sensitivity and allowance. The dance of these forces in our beings and in our world is one of the fundamental puzzle pieces of ascension. The human being will raise their state of vibration and come into forms of ascended complete wholeness when the human being can realize and accept that feminine and masculine aspects of the human need to work together in order to be most productive.

To become a unified being, connect to unified consciousness and cultivate oneness we must first strengthen the connection and bonding between the mind, body and soul. When we work on ourselves from a place of self love and self care we do just that, as we change our language and listen to the deeper inner voice of loving compassion and truth, the more we strengthen the bond to soul. Each day we choose to work on our bodies towards a goal of strength, conditioning, losing weight, gaining more stamina, running faster, we are employing the power of the mind in order to transform the matter of the body, the invisible becomes visible through our consciousness. This process of acquainting with and communicating with our deep inner voice of truth and love, requires us to clear the body and mind in order to optimize the connection to soul and strengthen and clarify communication to the higher self.

As you continue to walk this path of fortification, double check with yourself, am I unifying mind, body and soul? Are my choices helping me reach a place of unified consciousness?

For now, we will leave you with this as a summary and a gate into the next path. We intend to add some exercises to the path of fortification articles, please do check back next week to follow along! Tomorrow we will continue exploring The Path of Unification!