The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "Life is a gift, Thank you for this gift of life"

Dear Present,

We write to you today to invite you to look at the truth. The truth is that you are a divine gift, life is a divine gift, everything is a gift. The present moment contains all of the miracles of the universe at our fingertips, getting lost in forgetting out nature, doubts, insecurities and programs happens when we step out of the present, dwell on the past or worry about the future, much of the time we do not even realize we are doing this. Every situation offers the opportunity for invitation, allowance and acceptance, or every situation offers the opportunity for resistance, judgement and denial. To judge the gift of life as anything other than a gift is often the very thing that gets us caught up in cycles of lack consciousness and fear. When one receives a gift, one may not always “like” the gift, perhaps it is not their taste or what they would choose, however what remains is the gratitude and appreciation for the very idea that one was willing to gift another; humanity has a cliché about that “it is the thought that counts” no matter what, we do our best to remain grateful for the gifts we receive in the material realm, therefore, does it not make sense to be grateful for the gift of life itself in all of its forms? We always have the choice to do something else with the gifts we receive, if they do not fit our tastes, we can exchange them, pass them on or make something new out of them., what remains is the gratitude and the recognition that this was a gift, it holds some additional significance because it was gifted. A wonderful transformation in consciousness which we encourage humanity to realize is that the universe is always gifting us, it is however, always gifting us with only what we need and never what we do not need. We suggest that humanity consider this in all forms of gift giving; what does the other need, what gifts can I offer which others can truly make use of?

The earth is ever giving, ever abundant and always unconditionally loving and sharing of that love for all of humanity. She does not discriminate and she does not give us anything we do not need for harmony and balance, she always allows and brings in what her creation needs to thrive. Taking too much of what we do not need creates a drain in the wheel of abundance, when we let an area or a natural resource become depleted in an area we are purposely choosing to create the illusion of lack, the earth will always seek to bring balance back to all places and people of nature who are in a state of lack. The societal programming humanity is influenced by teaches us to allow, create and condone states of lack across the globe in order to maintain other states of richness and over consumption. We have been taught to essentially condone inequality by the very functions of society of grades and competition, evaluation and promotion, marketing and consumption all pointing the way to that you must have more to be better. You need more education to be better or worthy enough, you need this car, that jewelry, this purse, that suit, those sunglasses, this new trend, that new craze, this new food, that new drug, all of this and that give it to me now so I can be fulfilled, this is exactly how those who seek to gain off of the existence of humanity, as opposed to living in balance and harmony, want people to think. So much of the program is to make you feel like you need to do more, be more, be better in order to be worth of anything in this life. Universal consciousness has already given you everything you need within you and we pose to you that perhaps, the societal norms and consumptive attitudes, that everything is mine if I work for it, actually limit you from receiving the true gifts, possibilities and potential of your life.

Nothing and no one is here to tell you that you do not still need to commit, work and make something of your day to day existence in order to be fulfilled. We are simply writing today on the consciousness of true abundance, the realization of life is a gift and to be grateful for the gifts of life in all of their forms. What we pray for you to see from this message today is that you are a gift, life is a gift, gratitude is the key to receiving. In a state of gratitude everything can be beautiful, in the realization that the miracle of life is already a gift in every single present moment, gratitude becomes natural. The programs present in your current society trick people into picking paths for themselves that are not necessarily their true nature, they may contain aspects of expression relative to the true nature of the self however something is not quite right often, not quite fulfilling, not exactly feeling like “my purpose”. We offer to you today to comprehend that when anyone of us reaches towards a goal that is expected by society we are very often out of alignment with our true soul nature. It may be fulfilling for a time to make one’s main focus their job for money to get ahead and do what they really want later, however we remind you that the present moment, the eternal now, is always what you make it. Each of us has a choice each day and many choices to make each day around how to spend out time and devote out energy, if we choose to devote our time to something, that is what we will bring into our present moment. There is no force which can choose your life for you, there are influences which manipulate your choices, however is is all in our compliance to the programs which lead us into the choices we make, all of the programs and all of our thoughts and conditions have an effect on our present moment.

We invite you to choose the present moment to be a gift. Sit and breathe, imagine yourself like a tree growing roots into the earth and breathe with gratitude in the mind and heart. Take a few minutes to simply breathe, be grounded and be connected and contemplate some things, moments, people in your life for which or whom you are grateful. Be present with the feeling of gratitude and let that gratitude fill your present moment completely. A few affirmations to practice after grounding and visualizing or thinking of what you are grateful for; “I am a gift”, “Life is a gift, Thank you for this gift of life, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”, “This moment is a gift, I am the present moment”, “Thank you for the present, this moment is a gift, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”.

That is all. Thank you. Blessed be!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts