The Path of Ascension Vol 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "I allow myself to receive"

Dear Abundant Light within,

We write to you today to remind you of gratitude for the abundant miracle that you are! Every being is made up of trillions of cyclical cells and energetic particles. The very nature of the design of creation is abundant to the core. The trillions upon trillions of cells and particles which cycle through to make the existence of you possible is exactly what makes you already abundant. Our biological nature is to be an abundant community of creatures which all have specific purpose and place within the structure, so many aspects to the community of the body that it would be ludicrous to see it as anything but abundant. So why do we allow ourselves to believe in lack when we are a reflection of the universe and we have the ability to notice that the universe at large is clearly plentiful. There is no end to energy or matter in this universe, it is all moving in cycles of dissolution and regeneration just like your skin cells, hair or nails. Everything which is, grows. Our nature is to grow, we are literally designed to get bigger, smarter and more capable than when we began our life journey. Every single one of us contains the divine blueprint for abundance within us, abundance is our birthright, this does not mean to be entitled about it. It means allowing yourself to embody your true nature while being grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Finding gratitude for all of life’s experiences and all of nature’s creations is one of our most powerful abilities of co-creation. The more we honor creation for what it gives to us the more we receive from it’s bounty. Cultivating abundance requires awareness that everything already is abundant, it requires us to change our consciousness from fear of lack to knowing of provision. The universe always provides what we need, when we become active participants in our creations, gratitude is key. To cultivate true abundance in our lives we need to be able to allow the gifts of the universe to show up, when we neglect to observe creation or neglect to be grateful for what we are observing our experiences become draining and unfulfilling as there is not true reciprocity between us and the universe for what we are receiving. Receiving the gifts of the universe is all about gratitude and reciprocity, one of the most powerful tools of manifestation is to be grateful for what you are asking for as if it is already happening or you already have it. Being grateful for all of the potential gifts of the universe tells the universe “yes, I am willing to receive”, this is one of the doorways to abundance, we need to allow ourselves to cultivate a core belief that “ I am worthy of abundance in my life, abundance is my nature, abundance is my divine birthright” I allow myself to receive!'“

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts