New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is an astrological and cosmological event that happens this year between July 26th and August 12th, 2021. The Lion’s Gate energies peak with the New Moon - 08/08 - when energies will be at their highest and most intense for most; however, these brilliant energies and cosmic rays beaming into Earth throughout this time are offering us a great opportunity to finally release our attachments to the physical and “old ways” of fear and separation, and take a courageous step as individuals - for all of humanity - into unity consciousness, compassion and LOVE for all.

How to collect Birch Tree Water

How to collect Birch Tree Water

Reconnect to Your Nature! Learn how to source birch tree water in the wild and learn how to do it with love and thanks for the offering. Lottie guides us in finding the right tree, asking permission, the tools you will need, the process of "tapping", creating your own rituals of connection and offerings for giving thanks in this beautiful intro to the many ways of reconnecting with our true and divine nature!

Nature is Medicine

Nature is Medicine

We live in a time of tremendous change. The world "as we knew it" is dissolving as we once again step through doors of a new reality. Choices are all around us. Will we choose fear or will we choose love? Will we - as a collective humanity - choose to ascend from strength to strength? and where can we find the strength to face these times of polarity and uncertainty affecting us ALL in significant ways? The miracle of nature is that the moment we open to it, it is available to us within and without - ANY time in nature rebalances, restores and reconnects us with the divine source of our light within, which is why we recently took to the forest…