ascension energies

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

To be gifted with this body is to be given a map through all of time and space. Every cell is the culmination of all of the ancestors which have come before it, and all of the experiences of the soul within it. You are a blueprint to self realization encoded in the very cells which make up the miracle of you.

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is an astrological and cosmological event that happens this year between July 26th and August 12th, 2021. The Lion’s Gate energies peak with the New Moon - 08/08 - when energies will be at their highest and most intense for most; however, these brilliant energies and cosmic rays beaming into Earth throughout this time are offering us a great opportunity to finally release our attachments to the physical and “old ways” of fear and separation, and take a courageous step as individuals - for all of humanity - into unity consciousness, compassion and LOVE for all.