The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.7 - The Path of Dharma (of the body)

Dear Divine Presence,

We invite you today to take a deep look at how you are keeping your body, mind and spirit clear, open and receptive to the highest vibration possible. It is important along these paths of awakening to recognize that everything within us goes through physiological changes due to the changes of our brain wave states. There is also a change in neuro-chemical production which happens through meditation, yoga, breathwork, energy healing and various other spiritual practices. The body needs preparation and support along The Path of Ascension and you can consider the commitment to your divine temple as part of The Path of Dharma. Everyone of us is given the gift of a material bod, as well as the gift of a material plane within which to experience that body. The earth and the body are integral aspects of the dharma of every single being on this planet. One of the most influential karmic energy, is the karma incurred or alchemized through how we treat our bodies, our environments, the nature within us and around us. Where the body is concerned, karma is nearly instantaneous, there is a direct cause and effect to the physiological structures within the body as a result of unconscious consumption or self abuse.

When we bring toxic energy into the body through any form whether what we consume physically, mentally or environmentally the body immediately seeks balance, this is sort of an inner karma to the universe of the body. When we are in dharma with this physical karma we tend to take an holistic approach to the nature of health, we adopt cleansing and purification practices in order to balance the body and the new energy it is beginning to access through the awakening process. The divine intelligence of the body is a fractal representation of the divine intelligence of the earth and the cosmos. Every part of the body seeks to be optimized to a level health which keeps it thriving and free from disease, when the body senses it is out of alignment with the divinely intended design it gives us signals often through pains, tension and inflammation, if we choose not to be present with and address those signals, generally the body will progress to some form of disease in order to convince your ego that something needs to be done in order to survive. This mentality is ingrained into our societal model of health, wait for crisis, treat it with a symptom based solution, let the root of the issue fester and become worse. The aforementioned consciousness around health is clearly not sustainable.

The Dharma of the Body is to realize the vessel of self as a temple and container for the divine essence of creation. To recognize, realize and acknowledge the self as part of the divine calls us to also honor ourselves more deeply, we may hold karma which manifests as habits or addictions which are not necessarily healthy, this does not mean however that we can not break free from those karmic patterns. Choosing to recognize the body as sacred, leads to honoring the body, this means we start to become more aware of unhealthy habits and patterns of self abuse, we may get rid of certain substances, change the diet and choose to incorporate some new healthy patterns to balance out whatever residual impacts unhealthy habits have left within the body. Many practices and sciences, notably Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Mindfulness, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ashtanga Yoga, see the basis of health from a point of consistency in relationship to the self and the outer world. There is a recognition throughout the previously mentioned practices, and many many others across the globe, that in order to receive the greatest possibilities available to us throughout creation we need to optimize our bodies in harmony with our soul’s callings and harmony with the environment around us, the earth, the people, the animals, the elements. Many of the ancient practices start out with a foundation of purifying negative habits, detoxifying the poisons out of the body and the spirit realms to which the individual is connected. Purification of the body through physical movement, sweating, sacred smokes and sacred fires, through medicinal herbs and minerals, through the diet we take on, down to the very way we breathe, all come up in one form or another through almost all traditional, indigenous and spiritual practices which pre-date mass organized religion.

One of the commonalities is in the principle itself that; this body is a vessel for the spirit or soul, every single body is a gift from creation, creator, the cosmic mother/father/child god, we are given this experience, from the divine as the divine to experience the material realm for the divine, when we recognize this we are living in alignment with natural harmony, the destined path, or dharma of mother earth and father sky, gods and goddesses, earth, air, fire, water, spirit. As divine gifts with the ability to recognize ourselves as such we are given one of the most evolutionary opportunities, self realization. Only conscious sentient beings can self realize, in this statement, we do not wish for you to pigeon hole your idea of sentience to mean human or even humanoid, sentience is available to many many forms of life, innumerable actually, the important key here is that self realization is one of the greatest gifts and the true greatest force of will in the universe as all aspects of the divine are here to experience oneness with the divine, we are all aspects of this oneness and through our true felt experiences in this life, consciousness expands and knows itself more completely. Every individual generated by the divine is here for a purpose, a purpose which leads the collective reality design towards self realization, to realize the self in truth is to realize god/creator/goddess/creation and to realize the divine is to awaken to the potential one has as a co-creator with the universe. The more deeply acquainted to the body we become, the more we can receive from the mystery of the miracle that the body is.

To be gifted with this body is to be given a map through all of time and space. Every cell is the culmination of all of the ancestors which have come before it, and all of the experiences of the soul within it. You are a blueprint to self realization encoded in the very cells which make up the miracle of you.

Breathwork(universal)or Pranayama(as in eastern teachings); the ability to control, retain and consciously move the lifeforce energy which is associated with the breath, exercises and meditations which teach us to consciously control the breath using the diaphragm, bringing us back into connection with natural deep breathing, skills and techniques in order to control, move or retain the vital lifeforce energy which is received and expelled through breathing consciously, awareness of the life force energy within the breath, exercises and techniques of this nature are found throughout most cultures in the world. Breathing exercises and techniques are often connected to the elements and balancing the elements within the body or connecting to the essence of an element in our environments. Breathing techniques are offered to humanity as tools for not only purification but also for the direct activations of the energies and abilities contained within the different energy structures of the body, whether you look at Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, or Shamanic Teachings, there is always a recognition of energetic structures within and around the body. Almost every traditional culture has found ways to purify and or activate these energetic structures in order to change the space/environment/dimension within and around in order to access greater levels of spiritual wisdom and direct connection to the divine essence of the universe and or the guides/angels/ancestors/star people/elementals/nature spirits. The body is a vessel, a portal and a vehicle all in one, allowing us to access multiple dimensions, simply, through intention. Bringing intention, conscious, loving, awareness into our breath, allows us to access the gateways to higher human potential. When we access the energy channels through intentional breathing and purification of the body, we are better able to receive and transmit “the light” the quantum, cosmic energy of creation.

Through physical purification rituals and breath work, higher states of consciousness can be achieved, many cultures have also implemented the practices of entheogenic plant medicine ceremonies in order to have a little assistance in altering the state of being and taking a journey through the information of the universe, many of the practices which help us to purify our bodies also tune us into deeper sensitivity and higher awareness. The states of higher awareness we reach are to give us the opportunity and ability to “pierce the veil”, this means to access the field of awareness which allows us to see beyond the material realm and into the spiritual realms, astral and quantum. There are many cultures which refer to this field of awareness as the third eye and offer the tool of visualization and concentration on the center of the forehead above the bridge of the nose and through the center of the brain to access the pineal gland. The third eye or mind’s eye is really a field of energy generated by the electrical impulses of the pineal gland, in order to make this field strong enough to “see” we need to purify the body and clarify (decalcify) the pineal gland so that the crystal resonator can vibrate at the optimal level to provide intuitive sight. The body is optimized to access the pineal gland when it is alkaline and individually balanced to the nature of the individual body. One’s particular optimal state is encoded in the cellular memory of the blood, when we are nourished in alignment with the cellular memory of the blood we are able to evolve from karmic patterns and transform the entire vessel into a resonator of divine energy. Purifying the physical body to optimize neuro-chemical and hormonal secretions is one of the main goals of yoga and Ayurveda, both deeply interwoven to the teachings of dharma.

Each and every one of us is intended and designed to be a channel of divine energy, we are sacred and perfect by nature. The cosmic co-creation of all that is makes no mistakes without learning from them and making them right. Our right as aspects of creation is to make mistakes, to falter, to sway and waver and each time to grow deeper connections, roots into the earth, while expanding our reach, our consciousness into the cosmos. We are all created exactly as intended by nature, we are all part of the balance of the dance of divinity. All beings have a sacred place in the multiverse. Nature seeks balance, when the body is imbalanced it starts to manifests all kinds of blockages, barriers and signals in order to give us the chance to evolve consciousness and make the choices necessary to align the self with divine nature, to tap into and unite with the supreme consciousness of all that is by treating ourselves with love and honor. Nature is ripe with gifts and abundance, just as the body has billions of cells, the earth has billions of bodies with billions of cells, nature exemplifies abundance in all ways, when we are grateful for the abundance that we are and that which surrounds us we are better able to receive from that abundance. To honor the body is to honor nature, when we honor the body and we honor nature, we create harmony.

A state of harmony within can really only be achieved when the state of physical health is optimal. Optimal health allows us to think more clearly, nourish ourselves efficiently, sleep properly, learn easily, move well, no matter what your karmic design is for your vessel, you as an individual have an optimal level of health which allows you to receive from the consciousness within and all around. Humanity has been fed with illusions of optimal health, everything is so extreme in the programming of “healthy” in this modern day and age. Much of humanity looks at the physical appearance as the main signature of optimal health, while there may be certain characteristics associated with a healthy form, not all people with those physical traits are truly healthy in their bodies. True health comes from recognizing the body as an elemental symphony which is a temple for the divine essence of creation. In observation of many temples around the globe we see that shape ( geometry), environment, placement, cleanliness, beauty, brightness, color and elements are brought in as offerings ie. candles, bowls of water or fountains, rich things such as crystals, jewels or precious metals and very commonly elaborately illustrated depictions of the particular religious path’s deities, saints and stories. Religion may bring in a lot of confusion but in every religion is part of the truth. Religions always seek to honor something or someone, encourage us to love and teach us how to relate to the world. Now most have been used in some way or another to shape, manipulate and control humanity into destructive patterns which mostly seek to separate or harm another’s belief systems. We pray for humanity to let the separation go from all religions, realize that any teaching which seeks to separate people or create conflicts between them is not truly coming from a source of love. When the body is clear and the energy channels are able to open to true divine love we can recognize the essence of truth in between the lines of religious control so to speak. A pure body allows for a clear mind which can see that every belief system is a potentially valuable tool or piece of the puzzle which brings together the bigger picture of oneness.

To be stuck in karmic loops, patterns, unhealthy habits or samskara lead us into dark tunnels of addictions and disease, the more we abuse our bodies’ the more we become attached to these cycles of addiction as essentially excuses for why we are not living in optimal health and wellness. The darkness feeds of darkness, when we deny our base purpose of self realization we become sort of like zombies and the vessel’s functions degrade and invert, we become mindless vacuums of toxic consumption and then justify our desires for more by the way we feel, well now i feel sad so I will eat this, well now I already had a drink so might as well have another, well i smoked again might as well smoke again, well i feel stressed might as well take something to calm down, oh well now i feel tired might as well have some coffee. In these cycles eventually the body starts to get saturated with chemicals which then change the natural balance, flow and cycle of the hormonal and neuro-chemical secretions of the entire glandular/endocrine system, including the pineal gland, the more saturated any of the organ or glandular groupings become the more crystallization begins to surround the pineal gland and hinder it’s functions, this reaction leads to spiritual blindness.

Spiritual blindness is one of the most common afflictions humanity is suffering from at this time and it has lead to and array of other disorders within human behavior. Spiritual blindness has led to the acceptance of a reality where living is essentially based off of destroying the very body that is home upon which we live. The way humanity is programmed to live at this time is sort of like constructing a beautiful temple or mansion but every few days just setting a corner of it on fire and letting it burn for a while until half the house is gone, then we take that burned half of the house from the land it sits on top of and the other half of the house that it is attached to and build it up back again with may a third less of resources. Eventually we keep doing this until there is nothing left to take and build back up again from. Humans are programmed to act like this towards nature and towards their bodies. We think we can just pack the body up and let stuff out and as it ages we just go with it, sort of like burning the candle at both ends or the above probably confusing picture of burning your own house and then building it back up with only part of itself. We are programmed to take more and more in order to fill ourselves up or build ourselves up from the pits of our despair, we are programmed both to suffer and repair our suffering by suffering more. Humanity has taken this attitude for too long, this idea that mindless consumption, ignorance is bliss is a healthy way to live, absolutely must stop.

What if the truth of reality is that there is an infinite abundance of energy that when connected to in harmony with spiritual awareness becomes renewable, sustainable and boundless? What if through changing your habit you could become essentially ageless? What if through adopting sacred practices and honoring the temple of your being you could become multidimensional, empowered, co-creative lifeforce potential? What if through self-realization you could have or be anything you want to be or anything you can imagine? We hope for your inspiring collective to open up to these possibilities now and for always, we pray for you to realize that as co-creators of the divine you have the power to break free of the very programs which you fear. We offer you these lessons today on the dharma of the body in order for you to consider yourself more deeply. Are your actions towards your body truly loving? Are your actions towards you body helping you evolve or are they limiting you? The Dharma of the Body asks you to be aware of your physical structure, do you feel limitless potential within you or is something stuck or stagnant? Be honest with yourself, there is not better time than now to be honest with yourself about how you are really feeling. We are coming to humanity now, just as we have before, to bring the message of your miraculously infinite potential. Everything in the universe is spiraling back to the center of source, the push and pull towards balance is ever present always assisting us to maintain equilibrium, it is the fluctuations of the mind which throw us off. A dancer is instructed when twirling to find a focal point, a spot, a central focus onto which to return the gaze every time through the spiral, this helps to avoid getting dizzy and losing ones balance. In yoga this practice is called drishti, when we are focussed on one central point we are more likely to maintain our physical balance. Is it possible the same can be said when we focus on oneness itself as our main focal point? Do we, as humans, maintain better equilibrium in life when we are aware that we are all returning back to the center?

The foundation of awareness is right under your nose, we are given the gift of something/someone to take care of from the moment we are born, at first we must surrender, we are helpless and at the mercy of our parents or guardians. The soul knows that this is part of the lesson of landing on earth, there are simply some stages in life which require utmost surrender and there are other stages in life which require our undivided attention. In the middle of these is the center which is evolution and expansion back to source. When we stay aware of our bodies and take care of ourselves with unconditional love we are raising ourselves, and through the experience of raising ourselves our vibration changes, when we choose unconditional love we become more balanced in our approach to life and recognize that the extremes of consumption and the extremes of purification are perhaps not always loving. When we choose to take care of ourselves we are learning from every experience what it is which helps us to thrive or makes us suffer. As we mentioned before the Karma of the body is more instant than emotional or energetic karma, when we make a choice to over consume or saturate ourselves with toxins or poisons we see that the body reacts immediately to that choice, these reactions exemplify cause and effect or consequence. Consequence is often connotated as a negative or pejorative however in true awareness the duality is removed and we allow ourselves to recognize that every action taken creates a sequential action as a result. Often, the consequences in life are simply happening to show us that it is possible to make choices which lead us into roads of openness, freedom and peace or choices which lead us into despair, suffering and inner conflict, whichever road we end up on is a consequence of our choices. The material realm is a teacher and the body is there to teach us in every single moment how to maintain equilibrium, every one of us is able to feel or sense when something is off physically, it is only when we become disconnected from the body that we start to create disorder or disease, often disconnection is a result of ignorance and often it is actually a result of toxins and programming.

Our world today is full of toxic food and toxic programming, so much of what humanity is consuming is actually designed to create disease. When we see humanity out there consuming quite literal poison and knowing they are doing so we are both saddened and humored. We laugh sometimes at the poisons humanity consumes and see you like a toddler on the beach eating sand. Sometimes it takes a source of more knowledge in order to teach us what to consume and what not to consume, however what is observed as well is that the body reacts immediately, the tongue spits out of the mouth and there is an immediate need to get the sand out of the mouth. So much of the poison consumed on earth now, whether through the food or through media is dressed up in illusion, it is bright and colorful, flavored and over processed in order to trick the body into letting it in, these are programs which seek to limit the human potential and make humans sick within. We invite you to take a step back and pay attention to what you are consuming daily, to bring awareness to your body is to begin to align with Dharma.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts