The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.6 - The Path of Dharma

Dear Truth Embodied,

As you sink into this moment, take a breath in and out, as you become present with this moment, become present with your breath. We write to you today to tune you into the beauty and the miracle that is the mystery of the universe. When we are walking the path of dharma, it does not necessarily mean you know exactly everything to do and all that is coming in your path, to walk in dharma means to embody the state of loving awareness in all actions as you surrender to the mystery of the divine dancing with you and your creations. To embrace the unknown while remembering that every experience is a part of our evolutionary path is to embrace dharma. Through commitment to practices which cultivate loving awareness we are committing to dharma, this means we become unattached to ideas of how things “should” be and allow ourselves to be present with each moment, surrendering to the glory and teachings of every single moment of presence. To walk in dharma and to align with one’s personal evolutionary path we are encouraged to cultivate a practice which brings us into alignment with the light and love of the higher self. Almost every spiritual tradition offers steps to empowerment, awakening, light-warriorhood, wisdom, embodiment of spiritual energy, most allude to practice which purify the body, purify old energies, protect against negativity and teach us how to be strong in our minds, when we look at cultural teachings throughout history most, if not all, encourage us to find ways to honor the elements within us and around us, they offer us steps, initiations if you will, along the path of self realization and unity with great spirit, creator, god/goddess, atman brahman, the divine oneness within, around and between all things, the all that is.

The eastern principles of Dharma and Karma are really there to help us see the interconnected web that is all of creation, there are many other ways to convey this lesson to initiates and seekers and it seems that dharma and karma have so many interconnected layers, teachings and examples from embodied beings and life experiences which show up in recognizable ways therefore making them effective teachings for all of humanity, a couple of the most important lessons of Dharma and Karma are that everything is connected and everything has a purpose and place in the universal flow of consciousness. Some cultures have used other stories such as the Cosmic Spider Woman which weaves the web of creation through time and space, always connecting all of us through the infinite womb of creation. Other cultures use the tree of life to demonstrate that everything is an interconnected network just like a tree, roots which connect to the ground and the rest of nature, a trunk which grows always reaching for the sky, branches which reach out into all different directions connecting the above and below, the nature of the tree is that it is always destined to grow, it is designed to reach to the light and feed itself from that light, it is divine intelligence, unique and sacred. The tree follows it’s purpose no matter what, it does not fear the unknown, yet it does not know it’s potential. Everything in nature shows us purpose and place, cause and effect, and the interconnected divine intelligence which runs through all things! How blessed are we to be a part of the miracle of life in action. It is really only the mind, disturbed by the ego which comes in and hinders our evolution.

The ego, the identity, the conditions, all that we think and express are influenced by the mindset we are within at the moment. Reading this information right now could and would sink in differently and create an infinite range of responses in different individuals as a result of the mindset or identity which is reading the content. If we are open to learning from a place of heart centered openness we are able to receive information without judgement or attachment, this does not necessarily mean we are not discerning of the information we receive it means that we have the power to receive and discern without attachment or reaction. The state from which we receive information changes how we respond to it and what we will do with it from there. When the ego is trapped by limiting beliefs and karmic conditioning it is much more challenging to receive wisdom/healing or teachings. A lot of what we have mentioned so far is to remind you to be open to the infinite possibilities available to you throughout all of creation. When you are attached to a personality or identity you have been, you are not as open to what you can be, or what you are becoming. Life, like water, is meant to flow, it may rush, it may trickle, it may pour, it may crash, yet in no part of it, is it really meant to be rigid. The river requires a bed to flow through, yet the water also creates its own path when necessary. Let the mind be like water, detach from the identity you have built up and be open to the truth within you shining through it.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts