The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.5 - The Path of Dharma

Click image to join us for some practice! Align with Dharma through meditation and yoga!

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The Path of Dharma

We return to you today to invite to take a deep breath into the truth of your heart center. Tune into the ebb and flow of your breath, allow the breath to flow in through your nostrils, expand your belly and fill your lungs as full as you can by giving space with the diaphragm. Inhale, light, love and purpose enters you, exhale, everything else flows out from you and you are filled with love and peace. Inhale, clarity, blessings, beauty enter you, exhale, release tension, release negative thinking allow truth in. Feel every breath flowing through you as you continue to read and every cell is filled with prana, energy, healing and oneness. Inhale cleansing and clearing every cell, exhale cleansing and clearing the space around you. Allow every breath to flow through you inviting your innate connection to source to flow from within you and affirm; I am, I am, I am, Tat Tsvam Asi. I am divine! I am one! I am a clear and open channel of the love and the light of source. Breathe deeply and repeat the above at least 11 times over. Now, sit for a moment and simply be present with yourself, sometimes all it takes is a few minutes of focus on the breath and on connecting to the truth of self in order to align yourself and your path with your dharma. The practices of yoga and meditation are here to help us clear our patterns, conditioning and reactions to our emotions and environments in order to cultivate and act from a place of clarity and compassion in all thought and all action. The many paths of yoga have been laid out to tune us into a state of purusha or pure awareness, this can also be called loving awareness as a loving consciousness is able to allow all things to pass without attachment. True unconditional love is free, it is not attached to the outcomes, it is open to the infinity of life.

When a being is aligning with dharma there is a process or a practice which helps to keep the flow of energy clear through the vessel and generated fields, this is one of the most important aspects of living in dharma, in order to stay aligned with our destined path we require some sort of daily commitment to a practice which clear the mind and clears the field around us so that we can focus our energy on the present moment. Walking in Dharma is about the state or energy at which we approach our lives, the cultivation of a state or a vibration of loving awareness and compassion in all situations allows us to be aligned with dharma, it is our conditions and beliefs which would confuse us from the present moment. beings are designed to survive and thrive and every single being in all of creation has a purpose within the collective and within it’s specific realm of creation. Every single thing on the planet earth is connected through the networks of mycelium, the spores of the mushrooms and fungi, the natural elements and the roots of the forests and plants. Everything present on the earth is a fractal of the greater universal design, if we can observe that the foundational aspects of nature all around us are always communicating we can assume that everything in the universe is interconnected, just as much as everything in our very own bodies is connected. Whether you live in a healthy balanced manner or a destructive, toxic and abusive manner, everything in your body responds to the changes of energy, consumption, environment etc. and from that change in the body, mind and spirit, our realities change in order to keep us aligning with our dharma. When we are out of alignment with out dharma we will be more likely drawn into situations of karmic learning, lessons and challenges presented to us by the universe as a result of some aspect of our consciousness misunderstanding the natural law and alignment in the situation at hand, the present moment, whatever that may be. As a being walking the path of ascension we are encouraged to align with a life of learning and of service, unfortunately many of us have conditions, programs and samskara (ingrained karmic habits) which lead us to learning through the path of suffering. The path of suffering may teach you a lot however it does not tend to allow you to evolve as quickly.

Suffering is a teacher, attachment to it is not how we learn the lessons of suffering. We may be called to sacrifice something in this life in order to learn, this does not mean we need to stop loving ourselves. Suffering to learn is not the healthy way to grow. Aligning with Dharma and seeing everything as purposeful actions and intentions of loving awareness help us to live a life of service while learning to transcend the karmic loops through seeing the truth of our destined path. Limiting beliefs and imposed conditioning push us into the paths of suffering, this is to create the conflict between the higher self and the ego, this conflict is there to bring balance, to illuminate the aspects of ego and personality which are born from and bound to attachments, the attachment to fear as something which has power over our states is the very attachment which creates the suffering. When we can see fear just like weather passing or a wave crashing, we start to know it is temporary, it will pass and this restores us our faith that we have the potential to realign with health and balance, just as the dawn always arrives, the storm always passes and eventually the sea has its moments of calm and peace, we too are part of the infinite ocean of emotion and all things are passing. We all have the opportunity to learn through surrender or to learn through resistance. Resistance to letting go of the old, the past, the residual aspects of drama, trauma and suffering, is often the very thing which throws us into crises, at this point, resisting letting go has created such a stack up of energy that really only karma can undo some of it. The energy accumulated must be balanced so the higher self and the universe conspire to show us what it is we are truly creating buy holding onto the old fears and insecurities of the ego’s programs and conditions.

All of the above, is part of why, we encourage you to begin with practice first. “Practice makes perfect.” as humans like to say, we wish to alchemize this saying for you to “ Practice is Perfection” for any true seeker, to make practice the foundation of your being is to open up to the infinite possibilities which remembering your gifts as a soul open you up to. As we have mentioned previously, many great gifts come through pure devotion and commitment to the present moment, often this translates into rituals and religion, however true dharma is the very energy of devotion to evolution through loving awareness. Any and every action can become Dharma when we recognize ourselves as absolutely necessary, intentional and purposeful miracle keys to the universal collective. Each of us is a piece of the puzzle, a patch of the quilt, a thread of the web, a cog in the clock, we are each and every one of us designed in conscious co-creation with pure awareness into the manifest material realm, we are the distillation of divine intelligence. Recognition and acknowledgement of the divine intelligence within us is integral to aligning with one’s destined path. We remind you, the destiny of all in creation is self-realization, what it is we find in realizing the self is collective and common while at the same time completely individual and unique, just as each snowflake has a specific design and yet as they fall they seem to become all one, all beings in all of creation are much like this, when the self is realized the snow flake is complete and in that completion it falls back into oneness with all of the rest of the individuals, ultimately painting the picture of oneness. The snowflake does not question its beauty or its unique nature, it simply forms and falls. We are all simply forming and falling and eventually returning back to where we came from, fully realized and finally re-united.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts