The Path of Ascension Vol. 8.2 - The Path of Abundance "an attitude of gratitude"

Dear Miracle,

Celebrate, with gratitude, everything that is before you right now, become the very celebration of life which surrounds us in all manifestations of nature. We write to you today with another stage along The Path of Ascension, we call to you to remember the nature of the universe is abundance and to align with gratitude each moment aligns with that abundance. We hope for you to realize that lack is an illusion, you may have experienced it yourself but it is not truly real. For us to offer you steps along The Path of Abundance we feel it is important first to clear up the nature of illusion.

Illusions are not always simple apparitions of mirages, not every illusion materializes out of some natural/ unintentional force, the great illusion we are enslaved by as humanity actually takes a lot of work and effort to keep going, sort of like a magician or the wizard of oz, in order to keep the illusion of power functioning those who seek to hold and control the power are pulling a lot strings and pressing a lot of buttons behind the curtain so to speak. So much of society is based off of the illusions of fear which come from the illusions of lack. For a society to be convinced of it’s worth through grades, evaluation, judging and money itself, it actually requires a great amount of effort to create the illusion of separation and the illusion of lack in order for fear to take hold and for the nervous system to become shocked and drained, nearly constantly. Some believe we simply evolved to be the way we are now, we hope for you to comprehend that this is not exactly true, evolution, in the human case, is not exactly random or simply following natural order. The evolutionary trajectory of humanity has been and is pretty constantly tampered with and manipulated by the few who seek to centralize and control the power, energy, time and resources of the collective for their own personal gains. The maintenance of this level of societal consciousness actually requires a great deal of coordinated “smoke and mirrors” efforts in order to conceal the true nature of reality.

Click here to learn a bit more about the illusion or maya.

To generate a world of equality and abundance we need to look within ourselves to clear the consciousness of Lack, which is really a mechanism of the illusion. The universe is literally infinitely abundant, so is the earth, always bringing balance through the Dharma of Gaia to hold space for the growth of humanity. Gaia has agreed to provide everything we need in order to evolve, the provision however requires a consciousness of harmony and balance, not one which seeks to take more than it needs. The consciousness of our society is programmed to take too much, we are programmed to consume in excess and even though much of the western world does live in excess a lot of the time, much of what is taken from the earth for consumption is wasted or stockpiled. The excess people take does not even make a dent in the excess being taken from the earth for waste based profit. One of the bases of creating and generating abundance is to learn to waste less. How can you change your habits in order to create less waste in the world? When we waste food, we are wasting energy, energy generates abundance. The more energy we have to put into our pursuits the more abundance we gather. The more we waste as individuals it actually creates the opposite effect for the collective, eventually waste reflects lack. Why does waste reflect lack? To waste is to lack a level of consciousness which values everything as divine gifts. When humans forget to value everything as divine gifts and instead create false perceptions of what value really means/ what signifies value we start to create separation mindsets, the mindset which says some things are less valuable than other things, spreads to people and places. When we allow pockets of humanity to make this mindset the base of their goals we allow Lack consciousness or poverty consciousness to grow.

A conscious awareness of abundance really starts with gratitude, to be grateful for what we already have is a really important tool in creating more abundance, the more we focus on the lack in our lives, what we don’t have, what others do have etc. the more we create a consciousness of lack and this energy drains abundance from our lives. Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” is important when we are choosing to live abundantly. The choice to recognize abundance in all of it’s forms can start smoothly from being grateful for what is in front of you right now, grateful for your body, mind and spirit, grateful for a space to be, grateful for anything or anyone you have around you right in this very moment, start with that, even if it is saying thank you to your coffee cup, right now the channel is grateful for his fingers and the laptop on which to type this blog, to find first that gratitude for what is in front of you, no matter what, find gratitude in the first moments of your day and everything will move into clear grace and ease.

The next step to generating a consciousness of abundance is to be grateful for where you are in the moment, for everything that is taking place, then to be grateful for where everything came from, gratitude that you have had the resources to get yourself to where you are, gratitude for the very land from which your food comes from or the minerals and chemical in the devices you use which take up so much of your time and grateful to have the time to spend. Send out gratitude for having the abundance available to you to be able to read this right now. Be grateful for your job or clients, for all the ways abundance, money, prosperity flow into your life. Be grateful for the water itself and for the mountains, rivers, lakes, streams and springs from which it comes, be grateful for the rain.

There is always something or someone to be grateful for! Mother Earth thrives from your gratitude, she thrives from our interactions with her when we remember to be in harmony with her. When we take too much from her the entire system of relationship with the earth as a sovereign person degrades. Forgetting the consciousness of a planet is one of the greatest mechanisms of control over our consciousness, it strips a being of it’s ability to decide and provide and puts the resources in the hands of those who do not have the best interest of the earth and her children in mind. When we remember to be grateful for what is, the earth hears that signal and she creates more for us to revel upon and to receive. Humanity is being called now to return to balance and harmony with the earth, to remember that the earth is here to provide for all people equally, this goal is one that will require great changes in how we relate to one another, the earth and all of her creatures.

What does it take to change the functions of the system here on the earth? We suggest a question, If the earth is sentient are we treating her well? Breathe and sit with this question.

We will continue The Path of Abundance tomorrow. Blessed be to you all!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts