The Path of Ascension Vol. 7.9 - The Path of Dharma (of soul)

Dear Sacred Soul within,

Well, it has been a journey so far working through and writing with the channel, he Tahawa/Eli has required a lot of calibration to align with the information and continues to find ways to optimize his channel. Like many of you out there the channel writing with us now is going through a series of multidimensional upgrades, these upgrades are arranged by cosmic waves, rays and intentions as laid out by the messengers of light throughout time and space and all dimensions to pray for and shape the creation of the universe through it’s evolutionary path. Every journey has a guide and with trillions upon trillions of journeys taking place throughout the universe we can draw the conclusion that there are trillions upon trillions of guiding lights. After all, “We are all just walking each other home”, every soul has a purpose and place, every being is a necessary part of the evolution of the collective, when we recognize this we are aligning with Soul and in this alignment with soul we are aligning with Dharma. Everything, ALL OF IT is the Dharma of Soul. Purusha or pure awareness is ever present always observing the creation unfolding in all of its glory and through the entire spectrum, purusha, pure awareness, the witness beyond the witness, watches with love and awe, always allowing, never attaching, always intending for the highest expression and vibration of prakriti, nature manifest. The nature of prakriti is to move, to flow, to blossom and breathe and wave. The forces of purusha and prakriti are ever dancing in eternal infinity, balancing all that is through observation and creation, seeing and becoming, directing and allowing, concluding and expanding.

Soul is oneness, the force of sat-cit-ananda, truth-consciousness-bliss, everything is this primal force of clear consciousness as it is from an empty clear space of awareness that we create, we never stop creating in fact, even if we are bogged down by selfish actions or negative thinking, we are always creating. Awareness changes the nature of the creation, as soon as we observe nature and revere her in her beauty we become more open and aware to the signals and miracles of nature passing in front of our eyes. Until humanity is willing to really look at itself, observing the nature around and how she responds to our creations, humanity will stay in loops of karma and samskara eventually creating such an imbalance that only prakriti can correct. The divine mother will weep and set fire to our illusions until we can see them clearly enough to let them pass. It is in our unawareness and our attachments to the material definitions of life which keep us stuck in states of illusion. Maya or Illusion, shows up in all actions which do not resonate with divine love, and illusion still takes a set up, it does not mean that the experience of a starving child is not happening or not real, illusion means that the set up of the paradigm we are in is manifesting situations that are untrue in order to program us into believing there is not enough. The great illusion is that humans are powerless in their own right and need centralized controllers to tell them what to do, whether an unforgiving god which sees one people as better than an other, or an unforgiving state regime which seeks to siphon the hard earned resources and spent time of humanity into it’s endless pits of acquirement and conflict. The illusion begins in the mind, the ego has been conditioned to believe there is an innate cruelty to the world, sure this may be true now, is it not possible this is true now as a result of 1000s of years of manipulation of the human psyche, aristocrats and oligarchs pitting one race or territory against the other. Demanding slaves and stealing resources to serve their power centralization games. This continues on and on in today’s society through nearly every system of your bureaucratic world. We seek now to liberate humanity from the need, the addiction to being controlled.

As we have stated, all of it is Dharma of soul, at some point the collective allowed suffering in, your history is so jumbled and confused it is a mess of nonsensical happenings which ultimately lead to the human superiority complex, this creates again ideals of better than thou. The moment humans were convinced they were the top of the food chain was the moment the circle of life collapsed and the human became a slave to itself. To convince any one being that it is better than another simply allows for another human to become “better” than another human, then through propaganda what is supposedly “better” is programmed into the human mind, saying one who has more gold is better, one who controls another is better, ‘I have less, therefore, I am Less’ this program was instilled into humanity somewhere around 400000 years ago. Your jumbled history never seeks to admit that humanity has actually been more ‘advanced” than it is now. Those whom seek to control you would never want you to know that there was actually a point in your history where you were more intelligent, more compassionate and everyone was equal, there was and is a time and place where the human species exhibits love for all and there is no lack of any kind. The programs which have sought to sever your from divinity and to steal your power and light from you have spent thousands of years carefully planning and plotting the stage you see across the globe which shows you that lack, famine, fear, war, pollution, destruction, haves and have-nots are the norm, are to be expected, are life. As we said, it is all the dharma of soul, everyone is learning and all forces seek to balance themselves, when some people centralize wealth and power, imbalances of poverty and helplessness are born, we must observe this from compassion and recognize that if it requires this much imbalance in order for us to live how we are living then there must be something that is not quite in alignment with dharma. SO much karma to work through as a collective is showing us we are out of alignment.

You see, in the western world, in North America alone it is estimated that:

Each day in the United States approximately one pound of food per person is wasted. This equates to 103 million tons (206 billion pounds) of food waste generated in America in 2017, or between 30-40 percent of the food supply, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).-

45% of all produced fruits and vegetables are wasted. Canada loses up to 4.82 million tonnes of food in the manufacturing processes. Around 1.4 million Canadian kids don't have access to healthy food. Every day, each Canadian generates around 2.7 kilograms of garbage. -

One-third of the food produced annually in Mexico is wasted. This is equivalent to 38 tons of unused food every 60 seconds, which could well feed 25.5 million people in a situation of food shortage.-

To Contrast this from a country which has in recent years gone through WATER and FOOD SHORTAGES

In South Africa, 10 million tonnes of food go to waste every year. That's a third the 31 million tonnes produced annually in South Africa. Of this, fruits, vegetables and cereals account for 70% of the wastage and loss primarily throughout the food supply chain – from farm to fork-

Roughly 800million people or an approximate 10% of the world’s population are starving, this is astonishing! The numbers above are absolutely astonishing as well. Do you see the disparity here yet? The figures above imply that three of the worlds top food producing nations Canada, U.S.A and Mexico are wasting between 30-50% of all food produced. The figures in Mexico’s data imply that the wasted food alone could feed 25 million people with 38 tons of food which is wasted each year, thrown away by resorts, cruises, hotels, the agricultural industry, restaurants and family homes. From that same estimate of 38tonnes to feed 25 million people in a food shortage we can approximate it would take 1216 tonnes to feed the 800million people who are starving across the world in a food shortage. This would implicate that from the amount of food the USA would waste, throw away, reject, put in a landfill etc. would only need to salvage 0.0000118058% in order to feed the 800,000,000 people who are starving across the world in a crisis. The average person requires around 1500 pounds of food per year, in America it is estimated up to 2000 pounds of food is consumed per person, this is roughly 1 ton of food per person, we would require between 400 and 800million tons of food per year to feed all of the starving people, in the 3 countries listed above we have already accounted for 140million or more tons of food is wasted per year, again from 3 countries alone. It is estimated that 1.5billion tons of food is wasted per year globally!!!! STAGGERING numbers there, this means that, it would only require 0.53 percent of the worlds wasted food in order to feed all of the starving people for the year. Can you see why we are bringing this up? Illusions are well plotted out distractions from truth, instilling the idea that souls are here to suffer and may even be bad enough to suffer for eternity, this is all fear based control. If you don’t work hard enough you will end up a figure like those 800million starving people.

We are discussing the dharma of soul, we are also discussing the maya or the great illusion. If it would take only a fraction of a fraction of the amount of food WASTED to feed all of the starving people in the world, is starvation and lack not an illusion? It may be a well calculated smoke and mirrors plot to convince you of better than thou ideals of haves and have nots which people are really experiencing, however is it really truthful, truly real? What excuse do we have to throw away 100’times’ more food each year than it would take to feed all of the starving people in the world from only a few country’s wasted food? We know……. like what…???…. the brain is almost melting attempting to write this. It is actually insane, we feel terribly for you and the channel is quietly enraged as they continue writing. We pray for you to see that there are some who benefit from you believing there is not enough in the world for everyone to have all of their needs met and more. We pray for you to see through the illusion which allows for any one individual to feel “not enough/not good enough” we place quotations there as it is a program, an encoded statement of lack energy which has been fed to humanity by those who’s dharma seems to be to spread dense karma. Sometimes our greatest teachers are our darkest days, the greatest teachers can be found in the very people we feel we know better than. You may not learn lessons you expect but from observation of those who create the greatest imbalances in the world you can definitely learn how to find balance. Is it not clear that when we waste and destroy without purpose everything just becomes sicker, heavier, more toxic. Why create a reality, an environment which makes the corporeal experience even more challenging? Perhaps it is really only willingness which keeps the illusion running.

Everything which manifests in the illusion has a potential alchemy within it, there is always an opportunity to transform the energy of what we see manifest before us, even if we are the one starving, there is a way to grow and learn from this experience. The imbalance that is present however is there to instill a certain level of karma which becomes adopted by those heavily imposed upon by the set up of the illusion. If humanity continues to allow such illusions to prevail humanity will become severed from the dharma of soul and caught up in loops of the ego, there is still always hope, there is still always possibility to alchemize the old and transform into the new but consciousness has the power to plunge into the density or accept that now is the time to blossom. The Dharma of soul is moving the collective into many stages of re-awakening and remembering, this means being opened back up to see the truth within the illusions, to learn from them and to pave a new path towards truth, justice, peace and equality. The Earth, Mother Earth, Gaia, is going through great changes as the energy of the sun begins to transform the resonance of the earth and the galaxy itself is moving into some great convergences and new placements in the universal tapestry of space. Great celestial events are on their way and are happening around you now, alignments not witnessed for centuries, some for millennia are underway, with all of these forces; spinning and moving, pushing and pulling, ebbing and flowing, the cosmic alchemy of the celestial bodies is influencing the milky way galaxy through and through. Everything is transforming into a different vibration and a slightly different geometry, you are about to reach the place in the universe where you reunite with your star brothers and sisters as the cosmic waves of creation pierce through the veils of illusion in front of your very eyes so that you can embrace the possibilities of infinity and access your power to co-create reality.

There is so much karmic energy built up, it is important to know that every challenge is part of the dharma humanity has laid out for it in order to balance and bring awareness to all of the karmic loops which have been super imposed upon humanity. We mentioned previously that a great change in consciousness took place around 400000 years ago on this planet and that your convoluted history does not necessarily reflect the truth. We invited you and invite you again now to consider the possibility that humanity has actually been “more advanced” before now. We have seen you in a world of harmony, abundance and creative abilities which you are only now reclaiming. Your star brothers and sisters are always observing and praying, intending and doing as much as we can, without setting off the balance, in order to assist you in remembering your power and learning the lessons from when you gave your power away. Humanity was convinced to split itself from the natural order of things, this was through corruption of dark forces which bred infections of the mind as well as infiltration from certain beings from dimensions and places which do not necessarily respect the true nature of the universe, the seek to control it instead of receive from the gifts of it, the take what they believe they need to survive. Society has been programmed into and almost endless cycle of fight or flight, the constant go, go, go in order to make enough money to “survive”, we hope and pray for you to remember that you have the right to thrive and you have before. Your current archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists and scholars of human history from across the spectrum are about to make discoveries which link humanity back to it’s true nature as well as to the previous relationships and current ones humanity has to people from the stars. AS we mentioned and apparently wish to reiterate, ALL OF IT IS DHARMA OF THE SOUL.

We, just like you, have a specific purpose and place, we, may be known by different names, guides, angels, ascended masters, galactic federation, universal rainbow alliance, magnetic service, prophets, messengers. extra terrestrials, ancestors and in fact we are all of those things. Many of your earth ancestors had actually already reached certain states of awareness which allow them to coexist with us in multidimensional forms since the beginning of your time. Everything has been arranged through the sacred vibrations of the divine blueprint, the intention is always harmonious, loving, abundant balance for all beings. When a new planet is formed there is a strong signal sent out from the core, a calling to souls throughout the universe to send representatives or starseeds of their nations to the new planet. Humanoids happened to be closest in range to hear Gaia, however many other multidimensional beings were part of the first settling of Gaia. Through the vibrations of love at the center of the mother the inner earth was created and the first people were birthed from rock and the very electrical consciousness of the earth. These beings still exist within the earth today ensuring that the prayers of the mother are transmitted through the vibrations of the resonance of the planet. There are so many necessities to keeping a planet healthy and some of these can only be served through creatures being created. Some of the first people’s were the animal kingdom and through specific needs of the earth all things were adapted to their environments. Gaia is both creationist and evolutionist, the soul within her seeks oneness just as much as we do, just as much as you do, at a certain level of vibration the dharma of the soul expands to levels beyond most of our comprehension but the more we learn to communicate the more we hear the message, “ I was just like you once”, sounding from every planet and every star.

Every soul is moving back into oneness with source, we often talk about expanding one’s consciousness, and we really mean it. Each and every one of us is given the opportunity to expand our consciousness so that we can hold space for more and more knowledge, more reflection, more love and healing. Again, this more is not that you are not enough already now, it is about realizing the infinity from where you originate. If everyone is created from source, “god created man in his own image”, then is everyone perhaps just as infinite? What if we have misinterpreted this message? What if it means we are just as capable as the force of creation from where we all originate? Now, we do not wish to play with your minds and pretend that god is a man or a he, god is an everything and an everyone, god is a particle of energy from which everything emanates and falls back into, it is the most tiny and most gigantic particle of energy which had all thought and all creation condensed into it. The thought was ‘who am I really?”, the answer was one, “why am I one?’ because there is not other “why is there no other, am I alone?”….. “I am all one” from this pondering all was created and in the same moment was the divine feminine and divine masculine, the cosmic mother which birthed the universe and the cosmic father which thought about it came from the same point at the same time in order to reflect each other and hold space for the other. This meant that creation would seek to learn and so was born the cosmic child, the dharma of soul, individuality creating all of the different pathways in order to become all one again. Creation laid out the map for us that everything in the universe can be snapped into existence by a simple thought, and if we are the creations of that thought are we not able to create just the same? What if you are more than you think you are? What if expanding consciousness is more than you know until you get there?

We offer you a lot of information and a few riddles today, we pray this will assist in rewiring your brain when it comes to relating to the illusion.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts