The Path of Ascension Vol. 6 - The Path of Steadfastness

Dear Force of Creation within,

We write to you today to bring a reminder of commitment, capability and motivation. The Channel has had a lot going on and has had to take a couple of days to integrate along with writing The Path of Ascension. We set out on this journey with an even greater vision and are working together to harmonize the energies in order to fulfill that vision. We will revive communications on The Path of Integration near the end of the 90 days of The Path of Ascension series. We and the channel, wish to thank you deeply for being here now to receive these teachings and share your unique energy signature with our field as we expand and grow together. On this path of Ascension there are many challenges we may face depending on what is hiding within us waiting to be released and in turn setting us free. Every individual has set out a sort of map for their lives with key energy point which open gates to self realization, this is a big part of why the spiritual paths ask the questions; “Who are you really?”, “What are you really here for?” and offer the reminder and advice to “remember who you truly are”. The paths which ask these questions and give us these reminders, also give us the answer quite directly, all spiritual paths rooted in divine truth and love seek to unite all souls back with the source of all that is, these paths tell you quite directly you are a child of god/goddess/universe, you are one with this universe and you are a being of multidimensional infinite potential. The Paths of Ascension all lead us through ourselves to the truth of oneness in unconditional loving awareness of our interconnected nature. The trick is to wade through the muddy waters of life while remembering that everything is temporary and that you have the power to get through all of it as you are one with god/goddess. When we are separate from this truth the murkiness of life can become our reality, this is why today we wish to speak to you about Steadfastness.

The channel writing this from spirit and inner knowledge from experiences and remembering has a pattern to drop tasks, become distracted, procrastinate and often misses out on follow through. This is why we bring messages about steadfastness, a strong state of being which absolutely without a doubt committed to the task at hand. This means being vigilant, being aware and being self motivated. This means finding a purpose, “a why” for everything we do, finding the conviction within the why and carrying forward with our actions from a place of devotion and purposeful intent. Our consciousness has the ability to choose how to respond to any situation in any moment, often through conditions, doubts or fears, we forget we have the option to choose how to respond and to choose how to move forward with anything we are doing. A steadfast person chooses to be in a state of awareness which is focused on the task at hand to completion, despite any challenges one may face. This energy of commitment to the task is called for when committing to the spiritual journey and the path of ascension. You are being called upon now to Stand in Your Power and take command of your life. You are being called now to activate the co-creator within you and stand strong in the face of all challenges or adversity to attaining your vision of truth and love.

Humanity is at a precipice now, consciousness is coming to a place of such massive expansion and so much processing that at time the challenge itself is to receive the information in a grounded and connected manner. When we are ungrounded, unstable, imbalanced or what have you the challenge to receive the new energy becomes even more tumultuous. When we are doing the soul-work we must face our “weaknesses”. Our instabilities and insecurities are rooted in some conditioning or patterns, the path of awakening brings them all up to the surface so we can better discover our strengths instead of being taken down by our “shortcomings”.

Every aspect of you is worthy or respect and love, every challenge gives you a chance to stand in your power and face it head on. This is why we ask you to commit to yourself each day, commit to loving and forgiving, healing and strengthening, commit to uniting with yourself, the divine and the divine love all around you. We encourage you now to stay strong in your power, believe in yourself, believe in your vision and bring the light of the sacred into everything you do. Now, is the time to commit to your path and you have the strength to do it, as you continue to shed the old layers away you become stronger and are better able to be steadfast in the face of the challenges. This motivation from a place of devotion to the goal rises from your core and gives you strength for all of your endeavors. Now is the time to bring in the new and there is so much space to clear in order to do so, we must be prepare to stand strong like a warrior in the face of our inner demons, outer influences, shadow energies and thought forms, we must stand firm like a mother protecting and nurturing her child each day and night despite being totally exhausted, we must find that inner strength.

In order to create the new and ground in the True earth, allowing us all to live within our full power, it is important to prepare the way and be ready to cut out and burn away all that is no longer serving us as we get ready for the new to grow. This takes commitment to reach new ground, to upturn the weeds, the old and till the ground, filling it with new compost and new soil, all of the fertile life giving processes of breakdown matter - energy. The clearing itself asks us to become certain in our vision, clear in our perception and to embody the strength required to get all that is no longer serving out of the way of the new creation. The reward is in finding the new empty space you are giving way to, it is not exactly the result you are excited about but it is the open space into which new creations and new results can be brought in. Sometimes, it is important to celebrate the moments when it seems like nothing is happening, sinking into that nothingness is sinking into potential. All that is was birthed from and is held within the vast nothingness between all things. The everything that is nothing, the infinite mystery of the universe is potential.

As many have expounded previously, god is eternal, god is consciousness, the universe is consciousness and all are part of this force of creation, we are children of the universal consciousness the intelligent design, the cosmic web. Consciousness changes the potential of the nothingness into something, we can say to ourselves “oh no there is nothing, i have nothing, I am nothing, i give up” or we can remind ourselves “oh no there is nothing, this is a beautiful canvas on which to create, this is new ground within which to plant seeds, this blank space is potential for the creation of everything”. Even in the nothingness there is always a little something, the infinite creative lifeforce potential of the cosmic mother, everything which grows and is created is a result of determined union. We need to focus our energies and come together in order to create new worlds, new life, new experiences. This calls us to allow and be present with our experiences in their fullness.

When incarnated here on earth, the energies and emotions of every being are affecting one another even if one is not aware or does not believe that, we tell you it is true and quantum physics has begun proving this and will continue to do so. It is through consciousness that everything happens, through observation of what is, what is changes. Nothing is stationary, everything is moving, changing and malleable dependent on consciousness, when we regulate and relegate consciousness with rules and regulations we limit the scope of what is possible. Every one of us is connected. Every thought, feeling, experience is felt in some part by the entire collective, everything is relative. When we know this, we can become aware of the fact that much of society and accepted knowledge actually limits our ability to be conscious. Much of what is taking place each day on the earth as far as the intensities of suffering many beings are experiencing actually lowers the vibration of the entire collective, within this paradigm we are more susceptible to empathic reactions to collective emotion. When you feel heavy, depressed, sad, frustrated etc. and can not quite put your finger on why, this is very likely a collective emotion. This again asks us to be steadfast in our self care and awareness.

We invite you today to go out in nature and stand barefoot by the roots of a tree, if you can not do this, envision this in your mind’s eye or find another spot in nature you can stand. See your self standing with that tree, feel yourself standing with that tree. Envision yourself growing roots into the earth just like that tree and notice the strength and flexibility that trees have. The power and strength they have to stay rooted and weather the storms, to respond to subtle and big changes with grace, ease and grounded stability. Observe these qualities within the trees, and observe these qualities within yourself. Stand strong in your power, with readiness to move with grace and ease, you may sway in the storm yet you will always come back to balance. Imagine and sense yourself filling with the strength of trees, the strength of mountains and the strength of the divine spirit of all that is. You are a strength, you are grounded, you are stable. Stand in your power, be steadfast today, breakthrough the doubt, break through resistance. Tell yourself, I am steadfast and I am ready to live my life in fullness.

We will expand this path further over the next few days as we continue to integrate and add to the previous paths we have explored along our daily Path of Ascension! Thank you dear one for being here, you are love, we send you love, we are grateful for your strength and power here and now!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts