The Path of Ascension Vol. 6.2 - The Path of Steadfastness

Dear Light Warrior Within,

We call to you this day to step into your power, shake out the old, shake away what is no longer serving you and step into your divine strength, your divine will, your sacred soul power. Now is the time to make a radical shift, to change your mindset and your habits, allow your soul and the universe to show you what you must let go of in order to stand stronger in your life, take hold of your life, co-create your life. Right now, our shadows are being pushed up and out of us, we must love them and ourselves unconditionally as they rise, sometimes loving something or someone is really about loving them enough to let them go. Often the greatest act of self love is to release attachment to something, someone or some way or state of being/ circumstance. When we reach a point where an attachment, attainment, or relationship are truly no longer serving us, when we can see it is draining us, making us feel small, making us doubt if we are in the right place, these are all signals that need to be listened too, we need to be aware of situations which are not for our highest good and make a change within them immediately in the now to bring them into harmony or simply let them go completely. Many of you know how it feels to be in a toxic relationship or a dead end job and we pray that all of you who know this feeling also know and learn what it feels like to leave those situations behind you and step into your true power in your life. To be steadfast does not always mean to stand completely rigid in the face of adversity, it also means recognizing when “the battle” is over by choice, by exhaustion, or by depletion of it’s usefulness.

To be steadfast and be as a warrior of the light we are called to recognize how an when to use our resources wisely, to stay aware and follow through in any challenge requires us to use our intelligence to strategize, conceptualize and decide. When it is clear someone or something is hindering your progress, part of being steadfast is to be willing to let it go with unconditional loving awareness and openness to the infinite possibilities which come from the open space of release and freedom.

When you know who you truly are and recognize the warrior within you, you can stand strong in any decision, act from a place of loving devotion and move through anything which comes your way for the highest good of evolution. When you question who you are, when you doubt your true divine nature, your universal power, you become saturated by insecurities and fears and you generate battles which could be nearly unnecessary, experiences which challenge your self worth until you can affirm your natural worthiness from your core. Uncovering the true light warrior within you and discovering the innate love, power and wisdom the soul contains asks you, essentially, to train yourself to the point of strength and openness that you can receive love and give love, you can stand strong and be flexible, you can allow your mind and emotions to flow and be released without judgement or attachment, you express yourself in truth, your forgive yourself, you strengthen yourself, you unite with yourself and you raise your vibration by integration of the divine teacher within you.

As a divine sovereign being living a human experience, you have so much power and potential within you that is unrealized as a result of limiting beliefs and superimpositions on the collective consciousness. When you tap into your divine nature as a co-creator and make the choice each day to commit to yourself, commit to your path and take steps to fortify your connection to soul you are being steadfast. The choice each day to condition your mind, body and spirit to be able to handle anything that comes your way, to be present with your experiences and to embrace all of them, dark or light. Embrace the opportunities to learn and grow which come from the challenges and “the battles” when you make it out to the other side, you are always stronger and better off for it. If there is something in your life right now that you know is not serving you, breathe deeply into your belly and imagine a golden sun filling your belly, filling your core and then expanding all around you, breathe with this for a few breaths and let this golden sun energy fill you and surround with loving light. Now, state aloud; “ I am pure will, I am will power!” “ I trust myself, I am confident, I believe in me!’, “ I am pure will, I am divine light!”. Breathe with this golden light, let it fill you and speak words of strength and confidence to yourself in every breath. Fill your body, mind and aura with strength, confidence and trust. Now, envision yourself standing on a field and all of your challenges are standing in a line facing you, this is the battle field of your mind, the people who have hurt you, your negative habits, that thing you dislike doing, that overwhelming moment, the time you broke down, personify it all in front of you. See every challenge like another monster or demon, see yourself standing strong as they run at you and you simply lift your hand up, palm strong, light blasting from your palm and each of these entities runs up, is smashed by an invisible field of light and dissolves into gold flake and into the ground. Go through each of your unloving thoughts, mental sufferings, insecurities and negative experiences, with love and strength, transmute them into light. When you are ready to release it all, simply turn around and walk away, there is nothing that can have any power over you, you are free. As they come chasing behind you, this forcefield of golden light bounces them back to source light and they turn into gold flakes and sink into the ground. Learn to stand strong in the mind, you learn to stand strong in life. Repeat as needed.

We will enjoy to continue with this subject tomorrow. Blessed be dear being of light, may the light warrior within you awaken to truth, love and beauty. May you find the strength you need within to be free!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts