The Path of Ascension Vol 6.3 - The Path of Steadfastness

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The Path of Steadfastness

Dear Force of Creation,

You, divine soul, are a sacred being of unconditional love, your power and potential is that of the multiverse of infinite possibilities and when you claim it in balance and unity by remembering who you truly are, you become a Force of Creation. Every aspect of our lives, every layer of the universe is an interconnected winding cog within the forces of creation brining evolution, growth, freedom and love to all beings. We have mentioned before that we pray for humanity to release the path of suffering now and commit to the journeys along the path of Ascension. As a force of creation you have the power to design your reality by your thought and emotion, this is part of why we ask you to learn to be steadfast in your mind, be aware when the limiting beliefs and negative mindsets are coming up for you and stand strong to face them with love in your heart, blast them with this love and watch them pass by like clouds on hot summer day, flying by with the winds and dissolving with the light of the sun. See every thought like the passing clouds, flowing rivers and soft waves of a calm see and become strong in your conviction to think positively and lovingly about yourself and the world at large. To become steadfast in your mind and clear in your thinking, one must commit to themselves in self love and loving awareness, we are asked to choose each day to do actions which are nurturing and nourishing to the soul within, the light warrior within, the love within.

The mind is often out of control when we are stressed or affected by some circumstance or collective energy. When we have spinning thoughts and negative self talk taking over our perceptions, taking action in our lives becomes even more challenging. It may become difficult to see yourself in a loving way when the mind is polluted and when we do not commit to a daily practice of clearing the mind. If we allow ourselves to be complacent to our negative thinking, there are many other areas or branches of our lives that this apathy will reach into and hinder our evolutionary progress. For a soul to evolve, one is asked to align with purpose and take right action in each day in order to integrate and manifest from that purpose. We are innately wired to find our soul purpose in life, it is the conditions and programs of society which seek to separate people from their true purposes. Every single person is imbued with the natural ability to sense when they are not in alignment with their purpose! When you are not in alignment with your truth or purpose, part of you knows, that underlying uncomfortable pressure to make a change or get more out of life is often telling you that whatever your purpose is, what you are doing is simply not it anymore, whenever you feel this inner nudge, listen to it, it may be guiding you to a greater gift and purpose in your life. You have the power to tune into your path by following your heart, your inner voice knows when something is right or not, the key is to take the time to listen and check in with yourself; “Is this in alignment with soul?’. It may have taken or be taking much of your life to truly uncover your purpose, there is nothing at all wrong with this as everything you have experienced until now has been a part of your soul evolution and everything serves it’s purpose for the time it is meant to. Uncovering your purpose will come naturally the more clear you choose to be within yourself. When you truly love and accept yourself for all that you have been and all that you are, this allows you to integrate your experiences and thereby shift you into a state of greater focus, strength and determination. You make the choice, to live your life to the fullest or to get stuck in limitations. When we take right action to be in a clear and high vibrational state, we are much more likely to receive inspiration and motivation from the higher self and great spirit.

Know that if you are here Now, you are discovering your purpose, you are uncovering aspects of your soul self, you are coming back home to who you truly are, doesn’t this energy feel nice? Take a few deep slow breaths, feel your body clearing, your mind clearing and your energy body expanding into more light and open awareness. Take these breaths through you and feel or envision healing energies running through and into every cell of your body and every thought within your mind, conscious, subconscious and unconscious, layers of mind being infused and cleansed with light and love. Every time you choose to sit and breathe, be aware of what you are feeling and intend love for yourself and all of those around you, you are activating a space of unconditional love and compassion, this energy gives you strength to move through life with grace, ease and observation. Every breath offers you the chance to recommit to your life. Every intentional conscious breath, gives you the opportunity to actually take command of your lifeforce, your energy and your conscious focus.

When you choose to stand strong in your focus, your focus towards healing yourself or expanding your consciousness, the force of creation within you resonates out from you and begins to magnetize all that your desire you in the eternal now moment. The key of manifestation from a steadfast mind is to be clear in what you want, clear in why you want it and clear that it is in alignment with the soul within. This is why we encourage you now to become strong in your mind and disallow negative or swirling thoughts, set a boundary with yourself to only speak loving language in the mind and let this energy resonate through every cell and every layer of the mind, when you do this, you begin to resonate out at the frequency of divine love and this re-invites and ignites divine love into your life. The day to day energy starts to shift as you shift your perceptions and commit to your path, the commitment may take a check in each day until it becomes second nature, you may need to try out a few different tools or technique to commit to on a daily basis which expand your consciousness or strengthen the loving being that you naturally are.

Choosing to commit to this path each day, comes with it’s own set of challenges, however many of those challenge are actually created by the ego and limiting beliefs themselves, ideas like; I don’t have enough time, I have to do it this way, the right way to meditate is…, the right spiritual practice is…. etc. these kinds of thoughts are actually the programmed version of the ego trying limit you. Think of the ego like a weight, at times it is heavier, at times it is lighter, the more your face it and change your thinking, you are lifting the ego with your consciousness and the muscle of your mind becomes stronger and stronger. The ego is also like the wounded inner child, throwing a tantrum, trying to tell you that part of you is deeply unsatisfied and confused about what is happening in the now, this is a sheer sign you are probably out of alignment with soul, the ego goes into hyperdrive the further out of alignment with soul and unconditional love we become.

The Path of Steadfastness really asks you to love yourself through all of your challenges and no matter how many times you fall back into negative thinking or get stuck in life, get back up, get moving, commit to loving yourself even more and let the challenges and “battles” you face be gifts of the universe endowing you with new strengths, new perspectives, integrating lessons and the evolution of your soul. You have the choice to overcome any thing you have gone through, are going through or will go through. The truth that you have the power to live your best life even if you have been severely hurt in this one is the power that the darkness fears from us. You are resilient and adaptable, humans have been through some serious shit for lack of a better word, you have come through famines, diseases, slavery, warfare, intergalactic colonization, mass mind control and so much more that we choose not to focus on much further in your timeline. Now is the time to focus on the new and the dharmic, that which is in right action and harmonious with soul, with the supreme forces of creation, within and all around us. Now is the time to work with the co-creative forces of consciousness within us and choose each day to see and believe that a happy, healthy, miraculous life is available for all of the earth’s children, all creatures great and small are equal in the eyes of god, apparently we wanted to say that.

You choose, dear one, you choose to stand rigid, you choose to be flexible, you choose to be strong in the face of adversity, you choose to be united with your soul. It is all up to you, there is nothing else that will save or heal you, of course you can always ask for help and what you ask for will come to you, you can also focus on helping yourself and what you focus on will come to you. Now is such an important time to choose a steadfast focus which is in alignment with soul. The energies of the cosmos and the waves of consciousness underway here on the surface of Mother Gaia are extremely potent and they are full of infinite creative lifeforce potential, there is a thick washing of cosmic co-creative energy, a quantum force of resonant vibration, which when focused upon acts like a prism or a laser for our minds and brings our manifestations to us more quickly. At this time a lot of inadvertent and unintentional creating is going on as a result of confused, enslaved and suffering minds, unable to unstick themselves from the sticky pit of suffering. My, Oh, My, why, why, why, you may ask, would anyone want to stay in a sticky pit of suffering?!!? There truly is no reason for this, and if one chooses to, they have the free will to do so, but they may be acting from a program, this is why our intentions, prayers and thoughts are so important at this time.

Everything and everyone is interwoven by the spiritual forces of creation and the natural elements, everything is connected by quantum vibration, particles and strings and all of us are a fractal of source consciousness expressing itself through all the variables possible. Every individual is important and is part of the collective consciousness evolving. We hope for humanity to remember that it has taken you a very long time and an intense journey to get to the place of celebration of cultures and diversity, we acknowledge there are kinks and smoothing over, acknowledgement, admissions, apologies and forgiving still to be done, there is much to learn. We encourage you now to integrate a piece of the rainbow prophecy and the prophecy of the eagle and condor, many cultures have know since time immemorial that there would be a great separation which would ultimately lead to the greatest coming together of all peoples. It would take a long time and a lot of learning but guardians of humanity and stewards of the earth mother have held prayers for thousands of years to invite humanity to remember that we are all brothers and sisters, we are all related, we are all one. Now this, is Steadfastness, to pass down a prophecy from generation to generation and to ensure that there are prayers held for thousands of years to bring humanity together as one family of the rainbow, all our relations united under the medicine wheel, to know the time of awakening is coming and to do everything in one’s power to ensure it, this is the commitment we need from every person now.

We invite you now to ask yourself; What world is truly possible? What does an awakening mean? What does oneness and unity of humanity truly mean? Meditate for five minutes on breath and light, bring the light into your being and write down these questions. Brainstorm for each of them, let what comes to you flow onto the page, breathe and envision the best life possible for all humanity! What does the true earth look like? Describe it.

We send you prayers of strength, love and purpose.

May you find your power and stand strong within it.

May you find steadfast focus and commit to your path.

May ease and grace guide your journey home to soul.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts