The Path of Ascension Vol. 6.4 - The Path of Steadfastness to Dharma

Dear Dharma Embodied,

We invite you today to take some extra time to focus on yourself. What does your soul need, what does your body need, what does your mind need? Take the time to tune in to what would truly nourish you today, peel away at any layers of tension, stuck energy or unclear feeling and thoughts. To commit to taking care of yourself helps you to clear the way to receiving divine love and inspiration. When we choose to look within, be aware of our bodies, minds and emotions, we are choosing to align ourselves with the soul. Taking the time to care for and love yourself is a commitment that brings you closer to oneness in your actions. The force of unconditional love which is the force of all creation is ever present and guiding us into alignment with it, with source, with divine mother-father-child creator.

When you take the time to listen to yourself and listen to the deep inner voice of soul, you are connecting to the infinite nature of your being. The infinite nature or divine blueprint of your being holds your dharma, your destined path, the karma through which you are working and the evolution to which you are evolving. Every aspect of your being, all of your capabilities, all of your doubts, every aspect of your physical being, it is all part of the path set out for you, by you, in co-creation with consciousness. Your entire being is prepared to experience everything you need to, in order to grow and evolve. There is nothing in this life that you can’t handle, you are here specifically to handle, move through, observe, learn from and integrate every single experience.

Life itself can be extremely challenging, even daunting to some, it seems the more materialistic and inauthentic the ideals of society become the more deep and widespread dissatisfaction is born. Our society in this day and age is wrought with mental illness throughout all age groups and demographics. A major portion of the most severe reactions to life are actually triggered by some sort of societal ideal or capitalistic manifestation. We see so many beautiful bright souls suffering under the weight of the material world, karma super imposed upon them by corporate schemes and corrupt abuses of power and resources. All people are destined to be part of the great awakening, that which reveals and open’s the eyes to the truth. Everyone must take responsibility for their role in this life, unfortunately we see an elite class of humanity which places themselves atop the pedestal of money and illusionary power to control, they choose not to take responsibility for the lives they affect and the karma they/we create. Everything is energy, the more complicit we become to super imposed destruction of life, nature herself and the human spirit, the more power we give to energy which seeks to keep us limited and in states of suffering. The energy generated by a people who choose to listen within and stand strong in their commitment to stay connected to the earth, the divine, the love, is an energy of immense potency. When we choose to focus our energy and take responsibility for what we allow to happen, we can transform the destiny of many.

We wish to remind you that now is the time to release the path of suffering, but how can you do this when much of the suffering in the world is “out of your control”? We invite you to ask yourself, well who really is in control? This very question is why we invite you to take your power back and realize you are a divine co-creator and that everything, every single thing, is a reflection of consciousness. We wish for you to remember that everything is energy, energy is vibration, everything is vibration and the words we think and speak are vibration, vibration changes energy, energy is what matter is made up of, everything is changeable by vibration. When you really start to remember these universal principles, integrate these quantum memories and energies, you start to remember that you are the creator of your life. When you stand in your power in love and trust that we all deserve justice, happiness and peace you start to create it. When you speak it, express it, sing it, share it and be it all, you are creating it with your vibration, you are changing your life with your intention, you are the one in control, you are the one able to surrender and release that control to the divine, you are able to co-create. We remind you again, take back your power, the power rests in the hearts of the people. The true power in this world is the miracle of the human spirit, the power humans have to heal and to love and the power humans have to suffer and to hate, it is all a marvel, a miracle that the depth of feeling and the spectrum of energy can literally manifest anything.

Consider what humanity has created so far, all of this has taken serious commitment by everyone. Some, more invested in controlling you than allowing you to be free, have been extremely vigilant in creating their pathway to dominance. We invite you now to remember that you choose, the power is in the hands of the people, the power is in your purpose. Why we invited you to take extra care of yourself today and to see what your body, mind and spirit each need, was to give you the opportunity to take care of yourself just as you would someone you deeply love and care for. Our evolution is dependent on learning to love each other for our differences and to work through connecting the community by healing the collective diseases of the mind, body and spirit. For any society to go through this shift, the commitment to self love must be the foundation and the core. In loving the self, truly loving the self, recognizing ones value and ones innate beauty, the choices we make reflect this higher energy. We are less likely to put ourselves into situations or relationships which limit the energy of love or make it harder to love ourselves.

When we look at the ideals of society and the massive imbalance taking place at this time, we really must ask ourselves; Are we loving ourselves by allowing society to operate this way?.

There is coming now a time in the consciousness of humanity where the base values of society will stand on a foundation of unconditional love, equality, balance, harmony, freedom and abundance for all. The values described will rewrite the reality of our systems and the way we allow life to manifest. We will realize that in order to love ourselves truly, we can not enforce the suffering and destruction of other beings. If we truly love ourselves, we would be mindful of what affect and effects we leave around us. When we love ourselves truly we would not be able to pollute the earth or pollute our bodies. In true self-love we would desire and create loving connections, clear communication and situations of peace, love and safety for all our brothers and sisters. With the heart in a space of true self love, co-creation is truly possible and we would cease to allow elite groups to have centralized power over humanity and the life of the planet. When we embody true unconditional love for the self we will naturally want to lift each other up and send our abusers back to where ever they came from. Now is a time to deeply examine, is society based off of love? Am I truly loving myself by committing to the ideals of an unloving society? Is there a way I can love myself more in the way I live?

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts