The Path of Ascension Vol. 7 - The Path of Dharma

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The Path of Dharma

Dear Divinity Embodied!

Blessed beings now we would like to begin a journey through a topic with thousands of years of contemplation interwoven into it and billions of eons of energy woven throughout it. This begins The Path of Dharma, we will write on this throughout the week at least. Dharma is a spiritual energetic concept which relates to the interconnected nature of all things, is relative to karma and could be metaphorized as the sculptor of destiny. The path of dharma does not necessarily mean every single thing is already plotted out for you, it means that certain energy signatures and levels of soul karma and consciousness will assist you in moving through life into your highest destined path, the path which leads to greater forms of awakening, an expansion of your consciousness and a connection to the soul within, allowing you to evolve from life to life. Dharma invites you to consider the concept of reincarnation, however it does not necessarily require you to do so. You can discover your dharma and work through your karma whether you have any knowledge or connection to your past lives or not. The Path of Dharma is a very important concept and pathway to consider along the path of ascension as the beliefs and concepts around dharma encourage every person to find their true purpose in life and to embody it fully and completely. Dharma and Karma are interconnected because of the energy which resonates out from the soul, the energy creates different consequences when one is in alignment with their destined purpose and path as opposed to when they are out of alignment with dharma. To align with ones dharma means to move through one’s karmic imprints, layers of conditioning and samskara in order to navigate through them to the other side of self expression which comes from self realization. When we step onto our dharmic path, the universe and soul will move the energies through us which assist in liberating us from our egoic attachments.

The society in which most of humanity operates puts a great value on identity and accreditation, these values expect everyone to be someone, accomplish something and acquire levels of status and recognition. This form of role taking does not necessarily allow for individual reflection and alignment with dharma. Each aspect of you gives you hints towards your dharma! When any individual is put into the exact same track (school or career) as another they may take on some levels of conformity with that role or identity which may not actually be authentic to them, however no matter how intensely a job or an educational system seeks to homogenize and create conformity between people every individual still internalizes, conceptualizes and makes part of them the aspects of that identity which resonate most with them as an individual. Dharma can mean your destined path can show up in any form it doesn’t necessarily mean that the way for you is a certain career or a certification, a degree or diploma, a marriage or family, your dharma could be some, all, or absolutely none of those things, the marker of dharma is the energy you feel and the energy you share while doing your work in this life. If you are deeply unsatisfied with your life as it is, your job, your relationships, your body, this is a pretty good sign you are not living your dharma, the path of suffering amplified, is an indicator that you are not in alignment with your true dharma, you may be working through the karma you need to either way but dharma changes the energy, the feeling, the reaction to all situations of experience, observation and learning.

When we are willing to work through karma and are aligning with dharma our conditions and programs or samskara are wiggled, shaken and pulled or dissolved out of us. The upliftment that comes from aligning with dharma completely changes the energetic investment in the task at hand, you may deeply dislike your job, this may be your karma but it is not necessarily dharma, dharma invites you to take a mindful step back and ask yourself; What is it I dislike about this job? Why is it that I am deeply unsatisfied with this job?. The questions open the doorway to learning more about your true self, perhaps you simply took a job out of need for money and for something to do, but is there passion in it? Does your daily life feed you with inspiration, motivation, compassion and freedom? If it does not, it is not likely your dharma. Even the most terrifying of circumstances would be transmuted by the experiencer who is living in dharma. When one is truly in their dharma even the worst of the worst feels as fulfilling as the best of the best because when walking in dharma we choose to recognize and mindfully acknowledge the beauty and blessings of the entire spectrum of our lives. There is an opportunity to evolve available in every moment and that opportunity rests in our reactions and the observation of them. One who seeks to walk in dharma is asked to become both the experiencer and the observer by learning to ask the self in each moment; Is this moment serving the evolution of my soul?. It is clear to the body and mind when we have reached a “dead end” in life, this is generally as a result of falling out of alignment, when something starts to feel, worn out, tired, boring, or you are simply over it, it is likely your dharma to move which transmutes the karma which led you to be in something dissatisfying in the first place.

The karma one carries often leads us into experiences which help us face the residual effects and imprints that we have made for ourselves in this life and lives previous. Karma moves energy into potential manifestations as a result of some vibratory resonance we sent out at another moment which creates a resonant feedback and brings back to us situations which help us to reflect upon our choices. When we are offered the opportunity to walk into the destined path we must take the time to reflect on our karma, this could be by reviewing life circumstances and personality traits. Many different layers and levels of our internal beings are relative to the karma we have incurred in different states and timelines. Karma is energy, this energy seeks only to balance itself out, it is neither cruel nor gentle, nor is it good or bad, it is balance itself, the non-dual guardian of the balancing forces of duality. Karma doesn’t necessarily mean you do good and good comes back, you do bad and bad comes back, it is really more about the energy from which one does what they do and the implications/ consequences of each individuals actions. Any being may have the karma to acquire a lot of wealth, they may become addicted and controlling with that power and to the wealth itself, imposing their wills on others and scheming to always find their way to the top. Any other being may have the karma to be completely poor, have very little, and be always longing to have more. Both of these beings have a choice to align with dharma or continue a karmic cycle/loop.

The one who seeks wealth through power and control has the option to align with dharma and carry out this karmic task to gather a lot of wealth through sharing, giving, and bettering the lives of others. The energy from which this person comes from becomes one of purity and freedom. The wealth is still acquired yet the energy of all the connections and the journey along the way changes to one of alignment with dharma, this neutralizes the karmic loop and invites the soul to evolve. The evolution of the soul through aligning with dharma perhaps goes through the fork in the road of; “do I step on and demean others for my own gain?” or “do I take the high road and find a way to uplift and improve my community through the wealth I am building?”. The choice to align with compassion, love and purpose, clears the karma and allows this person to evolve by becoming, inclusive, open to new possibilities, compassionate and clear in the energy of their interactions. This energy of fairness and sustenance through working together offers the lesson to this soul “ I can be wealthy without hurting anyone”

The one who is poor with very little to nothing yet is always longing for more has the option to align with dharma and carry out the karmic task to be poor and largely free of material attachment by celebrating what they do have instead of focusing on what is lacking. One has the choice to smile each day as they chop wood and carry water. One has the choice to be grateful for every little gift around us which is a miracle of nature. We can spend our days longing for what we feel we are lacking or we can spend our days in joy for what there naturally is. The evolutions of one who is experiencing such a state could take them through the fork in the road of “i am longing so much to have more, i should begin to steal it, control and manipulate to have it” or “ I am so grateful for what I have, everything I have available to me is a blessing”. It is possible to see the happiest of smiles on the most poor of faces, just as it is possible to see the most angry or most sad on the richest of faces. Everyone is part of the spectrum of life.

We will expand more on dharma this week.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts