The Path of Ascension Volume 7.2 - The Path of Dharma

Dear Soul Embodied,

We write to you today on a very special day, a portal of a day in fact, a once in a lifetime opportunity even. 02-22-2022 a Two’s Day, Tuesday. If anything it is humorous, the cosmic jokes of the universe which align through us and our karma. There is much about this day and we are certain it has some significance because you make it significant. The universe does not necessarily work with earth time unless directly relevant, this day does give us access to a portal indeed while at the same time we recognize that the gregorian calendar earth societies are operating under is not necessarily a mechanism which synchronizes us with the true flow of the universal elements. Much of what is happening now on planet earth is like a sequence of markers in linear time which demarcate opportunities for great shifts in consciousness. Remember, your time has been re-written or reset before, this can be done again. When the children of the earth find divine connection and expanded consciousness the very nature of time begins to shift to a more malleable, flowing and relative experience. Time is already cyclical no matter how you look at it, whether you see it in a line from past-present-to future or you see it as the eternal now moment all happening at once, time is still cyclical whether your perception is tuned into it or not. The shift here is that perception of the moment does change the nature of the moment. In true time we see everything is again a circle and a fractal, all that begins ends, yet, begins again.

Every era, every great shift is a fractal of consciousness expanding. These moments will happen like waves, when you allow yourself to surf the wave or dive in and ride the wave you become part of the shift, this is relative to dharma. Dharma invites you to tune into you ability to ride the waves of life with grace and ease, recognition that time is cyclical, therefore you have all of it available to you in the universe of you, allowing you to walk through life knowing that you are here now to bring your absolute best and brightest into your life and no matter what, the unconditional love of the universe always provides you the opportunity to grow. When we allow ourselves to walk in dharma, being present in each moment, the nature of the moment changes, more of our life becomes eternal and expansive, when we look at life with purpose, openness and conviction we are better able to allow dharma to flow with us and this gives us the power to accomplish more, learn more, observe more and evolve quickly. Integration of practices which connect you to your divine nature each day is the key to accessing the eternal now moment and your ability to transform the moment through your perception of it’s infinite nature. Every moment gives us choices, we can act or we can stay passive, we can breathe and be mindful or we can react and be ignorant, we have the choice every single moment to align with unconditional loving awareness and divine purpose. Loving awareness, Consciousness, Soul, Divinity is within each and every one of us, karma and dharma allow us to recognize that every single manifestation is a reflection of the divine, this means that absolutely everything is divine, when we we see all things as divine love, we step into the place of compassion which gives us the power to recognize what it is that needs to change.

We invite you now to take a breath and become fully present, ask yourself; What do I need to change within me, in order to create more compassion in my life? Breathe into this question and ask it a few times over, have your journal with you and write what comes to you. Do this for 5-10 minutes, no worries, we will wait………. ;-)

Now that you have written down what you can do to bring more compassion into your life, you are choosing to align with dharma. Dharma is not an event or an identity, it is a state of consciousness which recognizes that everything is evolving, and works like a magnetic or gravitational pull towards the state of compassion and unconditional loving awareness. In this state every karmic experience, every role we take to play for some time or for our lives, can become dharmic. The energy of purpose, the energy of recognition that everything is god working through us to bring us back home to our true nature, allows us to go through and reflect upon our life experiences as gifts, in that recognition we are more likely to discover what wisdom and teachings our experiences have given us. Transforming your being in to a state which lives within and recognizes divine reflection in everything takes practice, the practice is compassion, this compassion starts within your own mind, cultivating loving thoughts of yourself, cultivates loving thoughts of the world. When we are in state of compassion our ability to empathize expands, we may start to recognize and feel the weight of the suffering of the world. It is very important to become empowered by unconditional love to invite the strength and awareness to see it all, feel it all and allow it to flow, you are not meant to become the suffering you see, you are meant to alchemize that suffering to light, transform ignorance to truth, and find purpose within your role in space and time.

You are already divine, you are already enough and whatever it is you are destined to do, creator motherfatherchild godsource will be with you, running through you, awakening you and inviting you to become who you truly are in each and every way. Everything you have within which is limiting you will call to be expressed, brought up and out and transformed into light, love and purpose. The unconditional love of the universe seeks to remind you of who you are, when the energy of who you are is not in alignment, karma seeks to balance you out. It may be your karma to become depressed, this is to learn the value of joy, it may be your karma to lose someone you love, this is to learn the value of friends and family, it may be your karma to go without and have less for a while, this is to learn to appreciate what you have and be grateful, karma seeks to bring you balance, the lessons of the divine mother teaching you to see yourself in all of your aspects, allowing you to find the truths within the duality, the illusion. When we wallow and get stuck in our karma we perpetuate and create a new cycle of the same energy so it becomes either amplified or repetitive like a loop, perhaps through many lives. Getting stuck in patterns is a way to show us that part of our perception and reaction needs to change to certain situations in order for us to truly evolve.

Evolution is about self-realization, when we realize what is not the self, we realize what is the self, the self is unconditional love, reactions from any other frequency of energy are not the true self. Unconditional love is a force of nature, it is not passive or reactive, it is purposeful and all encompassing. Unconditional love gives the power to mothers to feed a baby while carrying water on their heads, or the power to lift a tonne of weight off of an injured child, unconditional love gives a father the power to stand up for his family and do what is right to provide, unconditional love gives a child the power to accept their parents as they are no matter what, this is the true nature of the self, when we are in a space other than this we are working through karma, washing, squeezing and directing us into the stream of consciousness which allows us to evolve. Karmic patterns can arise from any situation, the key is to observe the self, am I reacting or am I “right acting”, remember compassion is key, for one to truly listen to another we must have true compassion for what they are going through. Communication with the self must be loving in order to communicate lovingly to others. No matter what energy or emotion would normally trigger fearful, defensive, angry or sad reactions the key is to learn to still communicate compassionately with the self throughout all experiences. It is of great importance now to embody forgiveness, not simply forgiveness for what is done and apologized for, but true forgiveness of the self, allow every aspect of the personality to be as it is, not judging, simply observing and giving love.

Now is the time to stop beating yourself up or pushing yourself to hard, to live in Dharma we are asked to accept what is and move through it all with grace and ease. We are asked to face the battles of our inner demons through our life experiences, standing fortified and steadfast in the light and love of pure awareness. We are asked now to recognize that every individual is an equally important part of the whole. Every single being has a karmic and dharmic role to play relative to the next being, this is a major factor in oneness, oneness does not mean sameness, it is not conformity, it is not single mindedness or homogeny, oneness is the recognition that diversity brings balance, oneness is the portal to remembering our true interconnected nature. To realize that every single aspect of creation is interconnected and interwoven and to cultivate a space of compassion for all beings allows us to see ourselves as capable of change and transformation, as supported by the collective and as one who is capable of becoming who they truly are. In order to truly be in dharma, to walk with grace and ease and to be in oneness we realize; “What i do, what I think and what I feel, has an affect on the collective, is it fair of me to create and perpetuate suffering? Why would I create suffering for another if another is myself? Why would I create suffering for myself?

We invite you now to sit with this, to really consider, why do we allow others to suffer for someone else’s gains? Sit with this and ask how can i bring compassion to this? How can we alleviate the suffering and choose the path of ascension?

Journal what comes to you.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts