The Path of Ascension Vol. 5 - The Path of Integration

Blessings to this day, this opportunity to experience life anew and welcome here to another step along the journey of Ascension, the embodiment of Awakening, the amplification of Enlightenment! Namaskar and Namaste to you divine reflection! We, the guides and star allies come to you now with messages of inspiration to inspire you to continue to follow the path of truth, love and light! When you feel heavy or stuck, we are there praying for you from beyond the veil, encouraging you to take yourself up from the depths of your pain and into the heights of your light. Now is the time on this earth that we encourage you to release the path of suffering and bring your consciousness into even deeper alignment with The Path of Ascension.

It is for this very reason, of a great required shift in consciousness that we come through now to bring you a daily path you can take to bring you into connection with yourself and the great goal of the collective awakening of humanity into a state of unconditional love and miraculous manifestation. This channeled publication will be brought forth to you each day from this day forth (February 1st 2022) until such a time as the channels agree to release it to you for integration and review. The initial path will last 90 days and each day will offer a path to self healing and transformation of your life that will be interwoven into your greater goal of raising your vibration and living the best life you can possibly imagine for yourself and more as you open to the infinite possibilities the universe invites us into NOW! SO, without further ado, we bring to you…

The Path Of Integration

Dear Oneness within,

Today we bring you a step along The Path of Integration, this path is to invite to look at all aspects of yourself while bringing the light of unconditional love into them. The Path of Integration calls you to become one with your True Self by loving every layer and aspect of your divine being, this is a path which invites you to answer the calling of your soul to be united with source. Walking this path requires us to make the choice to see ourselves as whole and complete, this may bring different things up from within us, from memory or karmic impressions, from conditioning and habits, to repressed emotions and fears. When the old arises, we are given the opportunity to judge and get attached to the pattern, or to choose to learn from and integrate the medicine of the pattern by breathing, releasing judgement and releasing attachment. In order to truly integrate the wholeness of your being, one is asked to take a space of unconditional self love, to recognize that every experience is part of the tapestry of creation which weaves your experiences through you and connects you to all that is. The consciousness you choose to focus on becomes your reality, when we get into a state of tunnel vision, especially when we are only able to see our pain, our lack, our loss or our fears, we can get stuck in a lower vibrational consciousness and this attracts a myriad of disintegrating energies to our lives.

Judgements and comparisons only seek to separate us from soul, they are fabrications of the wounded ego which has lost trust in the journey and only seeks now to protect us from further pain. This can become a loop of self fulfilling prophecy, when we become constantly fearful of facing the same pain again or attached to receiving the same healing or pleasures, we become separated from truth. Attachment to any experience takes us away from the moment, right now if you are reading this, breathe into your heart and ask yourself; How am I feeling right now? We pray for you, you are in a safe space, if you happen to be in an uncomfortable or unsafe place, we pray this gives you the safety, comfort and power you need to make a change in the Now. Breathe deeply and ask yourself; Am I allowing myself to heal? Am i allowing myself to evolve? Breathe deeply and slowly as you continue to contemplate this, perhaps journal what comes to you.

The more one attaches to a one way mindset, this is not working, this is the only way I will do this or that, heal this or that, better this or that, well I can’t let go because it hurt me so much etc. etc. these kinds of attachments put us in a place of limitation. The limiting language creates blockages in the energy body and therefore starts to resonate out with thought forms which color our perceptions and limit our abilities to cope with multidimensional realities. When we get lost in the fear or lack, we are asked to remind ourselves that we are whole. When the memories of past pains come up, we are give the opportunity to ask ourselves; What did I learn from this experience? How can I grow from this experience now? When we choose to change our thinking, observe our reactions and make steps to take our own lives in our own hands we become more integrated each day. An integrated being recognizes that everything in this manifest universe is happening For us. Everything is happening for us to learn, evolve and grow. We can become stuck, fearful, spiteful and limited, we can go on hating each other across the globe and creating warfare and fear, but is this what any of us really want? Check in with your heart, breathe a few deep slow breaths and let your heart become open. Ask yourself; Do I want to keep suffering? Why would I want to keep suffering? What is the world I want to live in? Write down what comes to you, breathe deeply and read it, what does the heart within you truly want out of your life and believe is possible for the world?

As a divine spark of creation you are in an illusion of separation, this makes us feel often separated from our purpose. Many people who do not have the best interest of humanity at heart or in mind are pretty consistently manipulating the consciousness of humanity through playing off of divisions, separated mindsets, the fears and insecurities of the individual playing out in the masses. Those who seek to profit from you tend to play of the mind which says; when I have this or get this, i will be complete, I will be important, I will be seen”, “if only I did this, I would be whole, I would better, I would be seen” It is rare for the mainstream media formats to offer a view of the self which starts from a basis of “You are already complete, How can you expand? How can you be of service?” To change the mind to a space of remembering that one is already complete and all are part of the whole of humanity. We deserve to live our lives in an integrated state which feels empowered and reverent of all experiences in this life. Every soul is given this chance by the universal consciousness within.

As we begin this path, the Path of Integration and continue The Path of Ascension, we invite you today to take extra loving care of yourself, get out into nature, love yourself in nature. Feel the earth and breathe in fresh air, tell yourself today; “I love and accept myself completely, I am always whole and complete” breathe in the nature and invite all of experiences to teach you in love and be released and freed from you in love. Liberate yourself from the bondage of suffering. Liberate yourself from the bondage of the past. Step into the true you, be in the now and allow yourself to embody the light and love of divine oneness. Take some time today to activate your body, get the energy moving and the cells enlightened, then allow yourself some time for deep deep rest and integration. Lay down, take a few big deep HAAAAA breaths, inhaling through the nose, exhaling HAAAAA through the mouth, then relax your breath and start to repeat, I am whole, I am complete, I love and accept my being” Take your time with this then allow yourself to relax into some deep, deep rest.

May unconditional love guide you home to your soul! May you remember who you truly are! May you be one with the light and love of the all that is!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts