
The Path of Ascension Vol. 9 - The Path of Self-Esteem

The Path of Ascension Vol. 9 - The Path of Self-Esteem

To truly embody self esteem, all praise, all love, all glory we feel we need, must first come from within, one needs to feel full even in the most quiet and alone places of life in order to truly give to the world.

What is Divine Light Energy Healing?

What is Divine Light Energy Healing?

For hundreds and thousands of years including to this very day many keepers of the knowledge of energy healing, quantum healing, body energy magic, shamanism, precognition, psychic and intuitive powers, traditional medicines, the power of women and so much more have been oppressed, ostracized and even destroyed so that those who control the narrative of what is healing, what is medicine and the like, could keep that control over the general population.

NOW is the time to say no to the oppression of knowledge that every being has within, now is the time for us to help each other to tap into the energies of healing and the powers that we each have to manifest transformation within ourselves and the world!

Enter the True You and Shine!

Enter the True You and Shine!

A message from Eli on entering the heart and remembering to love and accept yourself. Celebrate how far you’ve come and tune into the highest vibrations for your health and healing!