We Are Temples of Light

We Are Temples of Light

So often in our soul searching we believe we must go elsewhere to find peace. We may want to “escape the matrix” and rejuvenate somewhere far away, but who we are looking for is always within us ~ no matter where or how far we go, the greatest Sages of our times would say there is nothing “out there” that answers the questions from within one’s soul, but, of course, you may find clues along the way…

Full Moon Fall Equinox Portal

September Full Moon 🌕 Reflections / Channel / Downloads

This month we are met with the rise of the full moon energies in Pisces giving us ALL a major spiritual push. Pisces is the water element and supports the Moon in her fullest glow of the year - shining to her brightest, full potential and reflecting the light for us to be able to find clarity moving forward into the new cycle, season and Earth energies.

Everything is changing right now on Earth. Consciousness is shifting profoundly on this plane, in these dimensions, within humanity. The chaos and confusion that are here now are here to help us disentangle ourselves from the old energies of the old Earth - an Earth that knew pain, greed and war; an Earth that held space throughout ALL of it for this time of ascension in consciousness, not just for the love of humanity and all earthlings, but for an entire universe of intergalactic beings and consciousnesses.

We are so much greater than we have been led to believe and this moon, in particular, is here to remind us of that.

Trillions of infinite souls are connected to what we are experiencing now on Earth and we are now remembering how to connect to that which is TRUE and beyond the bubble of what we have known. But this Full Moon and this time is also calling up the energies that were planted during the New Moon in March of this year. Can you remember back to that time? What magick were you calling into your life then and how is that cycle reaching a peak now during the energies of the Full Moon?

I am not an astrologer so I cannot delve into the depths of the planetary alignments, but have received that Neptune, the planet of Illusions, dreams and intuition, is playing prominently during this Moon and helps guide us toward the discernment that is so important during these times of rapid change. The ability to discern between illusion and truth by tuning into our intuition and working with our dreams as guides and multi-dimensional aspects of our Akash will help us navigate the shift with greater ease, a sense of fluidity and purpose.

As with every Full Moon we surrender and release those things which perhaps no longer serve us along our path; we let go of the extra weight that is holidng us down, or back, or building the barriers that keep us feeling stuck and unable to cycle through to the shifting energies for if we do not let go, we cannot receive. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Thoughts cycle through as energy and form patterns and cycles of their own within our conscious and subconscious; these thoughts create our beliefs which create our reality. Therefore, a new reality cannot be created from old thoughts.

So often we think about what we want to manifest in life without wondering if we’ve created the space to receive it fully. If we haven’t cleared the space - in other words, if we aren’t ready - the energy may get stuck, entangled with the old, or simply move on despite our best efforts to call it in and manifest change.

When we make a list of our intentions, we are indeed casting spells and using the incredible power of word, language and vibration to move energy. Therefore, we must release energy to make room for the new and in so doing we not only create a new reality out of an expanded, more evolved state of consciousness here, now, and in our beautiful future, but we have the power to re-write the past as well. To transmute the energies of old into the light and allow the fear that has controlled humanity for far to long to be released, let go, transmuted and transformed. How do we do that?

Every time we acknowledge that we are in this shift, we know it, we cognize it and believe it as much as we believe gravity exists and that the light will come on when we flick the switch, we need to know in the very core of our being that there is no going back to the old ways. Humanity does not want war anymore. We have learned our lessons and are ready to evolve beyond to a higher level of consciousness than we have ever known.

THERE IS NO DARK SWITCH. We are here to turn on the Light. To shine in our full potential and allow the shadows to show themselves and be healed. What if we truly had the power to change our future, but also to heal our past? How could your life change if you let go of the past and embraced the possibilities of this benevolent and divine co-creation? What if there was nothing to fear because your Soul knows exactly why you are here now?

Trust your Intuition and TURN ON THE LIGHT.

You are love and beauty and truth and if you are struggling during these times of great awakening, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Your guides and angels, ancestors and Spirit are ALWAYS with you. Millions around the world are remembering, awakening, asking to know more. The expansion of consciousness is a process and takes us all on a journey through the shadows in order to reconnect and know the light from within - this collective dark night of soul which humanity faces now is the opportunity to step in our truth, our power and freedom.

If you are struggling to connect to your Self and others, know that you are not alone. If you feel called you may find meditations and classes on our website message us to connect to our community!


Rising Light Affirmation Practice

Rising Light Affirmation Practice

Join Eli for a quick rising light affirmations practice by a stream in the forest and tune into your higher power and shift into resonance with harmony, abundance and flow!

I am grounded. I am stable. I am strong.

3min journey

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

New Moon Lion's Gate Portal Guided Meditation & Activation!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is an astrological and cosmological event that happens this year between July 26th and August 12th, 2021. The Lion’s Gate energies peak with the New Moon - 08/08 - when energies will be at their highest and most intense for most; however, these brilliant energies and cosmic rays beaming into Earth throughout this time are offering us a great opportunity to finally release our attachments to the physical and “old ways” of fear and separation, and take a courageous step as individuals - for all of humanity - into unity consciousness, compassion and LOVE for all.

who? What? Where? is SAHA?

who? What? Where? is SAHA?

Soul Ascension Healing Arts (SAHA for short) is a collective of beautiful and powerful souls connected around the world endeavouring to raise and expand our individual consciousness, as well as the collective vibrations of Soul Earth. We believe that TOGETHER we RISE in co-creative magick, alignment and divine flow!

We are a soul collective of yogis, healers, dreamers, weavers, story-tellers, mothers, fathers, teachers, gardeners, techies, artists, musicians, starseeds and many more seekers of their own inherent Divine Knowledge and Truth!

Live Classes

Join us for Online Community Classes! ✨ Zoom links are sent out via email to all registered students. ✨ Holding space for yoga, meditation, healing & connection. YOU ARE LOVE 🙏🏽

(please refer to the SAHA Calendar for ALL Events, Classes, Workshops and offerings.


Anahata - LOVE

Anahata - LOVE

The 4th chakra and Heart chakra is associated with LOVE, compassion, forgiveness, trust, vulnerability, joy, surrender, humility, harmony, faith and hope. The Heart chakra is connected to Divine Wisdom, Intelligence and Intuition – it is a portal to Divine Love.

Divine Light Yoga Class

Divine Light Yoga Class

A magical class offered by Alina, SAHA 200hr YTT Graduate and current 300hr Student, that will guide you into feeling deeply grateful, grounded and shining bright! ✨✨✨

How to collect Birch Tree Water

How to collect Birch Tree Water

Reconnect to Your Nature! Learn how to source birch tree water in the wild and learn how to do it with love and thanks for the offering. Lottie guides us in finding the right tree, asking permission, the tools you will need, the process of "tapping", creating your own rituals of connection and offerings for giving thanks in this beautiful intro to the many ways of reconnecting with our true and divine nature!

Nature is Medicine

Nature is Medicine

We live in a time of tremendous change. The world "as we knew it" is dissolving as we once again step through doors of a new reality. Choices are all around us. Will we choose fear or will we choose love? Will we - as a collective humanity - choose to ascend from strength to strength? and where can we find the strength to face these times of polarity and uncertainty affecting us ALL in significant ways? The miracle of nature is that the moment we open to it, it is available to us within and without - ANY time in nature rebalances, restores and reconnects us with the divine source of our light within, which is why we recently took to the forest…

The Art of Sadhana

The Art of Sadhana

Sadhana represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego. Getting into daily practice is part of the yogi's journey and the beginnings of a daily devotional Sadhana practise. The term sadhana comes from the Sanskrit root, sadhu, meaning (amongst many things) “go straight to a goal” or, "incarnation of Siva (Adiyogi)".

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Divine Light Energy Healing Webinar

Eli will be offering a meditative group healing session along with introducing the upcoming Virtual Divine Light Energy Healing Retreat March 20th to 30th as well as the course ‘always available’ course platform which accompanies the virtual retreat for your continuous learning and healing journey afterwards!!

This will be a live broadcast divine light energy healing group session where you will receive:

Yoga for Weightlifters

Yoga for Weightlifters

Tight muscles after your workout? Yoga for weightlifters is an hour-long class that combines a lil Qi Gong, a lil Indian Yoga, and a lil Tao Yin. The class warms you up then gives you time to melt into the floor, opening and stretching the muscles you use most in your workouts. Be prepared to leave the class feeling accomplished and more in your body (hopefully more relaxed!).

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular, spiral patterns - the same principles of vibration in the manifest, physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world (many of which are in the process of manifestation into the physical).

Each sound, thing, and even every thought holds and emits its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.



Right now the actual vibrational energy and resonance of the earth has been going through massive changes and you may have been feeling these changes without even realizing that you are feeling them. This is part of why Now is absolutely the time to enter the depths of one’s spirit, adopt a daily practice of devotion, meditation or ritual and set the intention to make the time to truly connect to the physical transformation of our biochemical matrix that is the earth within us.

Full Moon Wishes!

Full Moon Wishes!

Have you heard of the Wish Moon? A moon so rare it only occurs 3-4 times per year in “fixed” signs of the zodiac. On the eve of a our first Full WISH Moon of the year, we are blessed to have Jela share the tradition, meaning and ritual of this auspicious Moon!

Energy Awareness as A Yoga Teacher 

Energy Awareness as A Yoga Teacher 

The goal of spiritual practice is unity with all of self, all of source, all of the I with all that Is. As practitioners and teachers of ancient practices which stem from worlds with much greater and deeper awareness of the flow of consciousness itself, it is important to cultivate an awareness of one’s inner spirit with the light and dark of “the all that is”.