We Are Temples of Light

The Many Healing Temples of Light

Some spiritual pilgrimages take us far out into the world and away from what we call home. A soul-seeking journey begins with an honest, earnest seeking, knowing that the answers will be given in even the subtlest clues, guided by Spirit along the way to discovering what it is we wish to know. We may travel to the other side of the world or venture into the jungle to connect, but always, when we are seeking the answers to life’s biggest questions, we are ultimately, always journeying within.

In truth, no matter where we are in the physical, our light shines forth from the temple within and our connection to Source, Mother/Father God, Creator. We can travel half way around the world to sit at the feet of a Guru and more often than not, be told to return home.

“If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.” - Ram Dass


However when it is toward this light of enlightenment that we journey… the knowing of who we are, why we are here and how we serve, the self-realization, and in that realization to awaken to the infinite possibilities of what it truly means to be here nowthe more aware of the cosmic dance we become and our powerful, co-creative and divine role in it. When there is self-awareness, consciousness expands and we come to embody our light.

The ability to accept, surrender and reclaim the Divine in ALL means doing the shadow work needed to release the Divide within and between us. Spiritually it is the dark night of the soul that re-awakens the truth within - an eternal and inevitable right of passage for souls incarnate as human that burns away the false self in order to rebirth as the true Self of Soul.

The dark night experiences are often what set us on the soul-seeking path of finding true self and divine purpose in being here now. The dark night of the soul is a death of the ego’s false identity that releases attachments and energetic patterns from our lives which no longer serve us and reawakens the soul’s light within us. It can be painful and takes courage and therefore, is greatly supported by spiritual guidance and a more holistic, cosmic perspective on who we really are.

In order to be able to move through the dark night and receive the lessons, incredible growth and the healing it brings, we must be willing to let go of the past - of who we thought we were as ego - including old beliefs - and be present with what we are being and choosing in the now. What was once unconscious and hidden from us is now conscious and we know we have great power in how we choose to live our lives.

As we let go of “old ways” and as our consciousness and sense of Self expands into greater and greater concepts of truth, we grow into new understandings and perceptions of reality and quite often, our “old lives” simply fall away. The resonance that once tied us to people, places, jobs and things are there no longer.

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So often in our soul searching we believe we must go elsewhere to find peace. We may want to “escape the matrix” and rejuvenate somewhere far away, but who we are looking for is always within us ~ no matter where or how far we go, the greatest Sages of our times would say there is nothing “out there” that answers the questions from within one’s soul, but, of course, you may find clues along the way…

“Where ever you go, there you are.” - Lao-Tzu


Though there is nothing “wrong” with travelling the world and it is an amazing experience to journey the beauty and the majesty of this Earth, it is not always possible… Nevertheless, the soul does not stop calling… and the questions have only deepened for us all. Which is why we have continued to hold space in our Sunday Community Calls (free or by donation), Virtual Retreats, Online Workshops, Classes, Healing Circles and Sessions.

Each and every virtual gathering has brought together the most amazing soul groups from around the world who have shared their light and their space with each other in such profound and integrative ways that beautiful relationships have been created and there is a strength in knowing that when you get connected, you will have a sacred space to tune into whenever you want or need to.

Amidst a time of great challenge for humanity is the opportunity for growth and expansion. As we are pushed by increasing polarities, humanity is learning to raise our consciousness and widen our perspective to see beyond what we have known or believed to be true. What we experience on the individual level is reflected on the collective and as the world continues to spin in chaos and confusion and as the 3d matrix of control is broken down, we are simultaneously witness and player in the collective dark night of our souls.

Whether we have wanted it or not, in this new reality where more and more of us are working and especially connecting online, we may not be able or ready to travel as far again yet, but we have the opportunity to bring the spiritual journey back into our daily living as it is always intended to be - a practice - for when we choose to live consciously and embody the teachings we seek, our body, our home, our Earth ARE the temples of LIGHT which hold space for our soul’s light to express and experience Life.


We have many ways for you to get connected and take a spiritual journey from wherever it is that you call home now.

  • Check out our YouTube Channel for free weekly meditations, guided yoga and spiritual talks on ascension, consciousness and awakening.

  • Take a deep dive into a soul seeking journey of your divine light with our 10 Day Divine Light Energy Healing Retreat,

  • Sign up for one of many 2hour workshops & different online cosmic hangouts where we gather to share space, perspective, laughter & all kinds of healing medicine.

  • Join one of our hybrid events either online or in person (if possible) and enjoy a sense of community during special cosmic events!

  • Register by donation to join one of our weekly Sunday sharing circles and get connected to an amazing grid of lightworkers!

We all just walking each other home. - Ram Dass

source: BE HERE NOW by Ram Dass

source: BE HERE NOW by Ram Dass


No matter where you are in the world and what you are experiencing, know you are not alone. Sending love and light from our souls to yours.



Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts