chakra yoga

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular, spiral patterns - the same principles of vibration in the manifest, physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world (many of which are in the process of manifestation into the physical).

Each sound, thing, and even every thought holds and emits its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

AJNA - Sacred Sight

AJNA - Sacred Sight

The 6th chakra and Third Eye / Pineal is associated with Sacred Sight, intuition, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, divine memory, imagination, vision, inner and outer hearing as well as Self Awareness. Learn to open, decalcify and heal your third eye chakra and pineal glad simply.

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

SAHASRARA - The Doorway to the Divine / Seat of Divine Awareness

The 7th Chakra and the Crown / Pituitary is associated with spiritual understanding, cosmic consciousness, claircognizance, knowing / REALIZATION, mind, clarity and connection to Source “above”. The Crown connects to the Eternal and both gives and receives cosmic consciousness.