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With holidays behind us, many of us are looking to the year ahead. The beginning of the year can feel like a fresh start, as we begin to imagine our future into being! We can sense that this is the time to set our intentions and take the first steps of manifestation.


The short days and long nights of Winter have us often searching for ways to “stoke the fires of creation” within… perhaps you’ve thought of becoming an Energy Healer or a Yoga Teacher, or both, but you didn’t really know where to start; perhaps you’ve been waiting for the “right time” to make a shift, or maybe you haven’t found the right resonance with an online course that could also become your community.. We know it can be very challenging to make a change, take a leap, believe in yourself, and TRUST that you will get the support you need to take the journey and succeed, which is why, together with all SAHA teachers, guides and students, we created an online community SOUL FAMILY of yogis, healers and light beings from around the world willing to give as much as they receive!

When you join any of our courses, the 200hr YTT, 300hr YTT or Divine Light Energy Healing Certification, or the RE-Connect Virtual Retreat, you are welcome to be a part of our weekly Sunday Sangha community calls, which means that alongside private group chats, direct email support and 1:1 access, you are part of a weekly community check-in filled with LIGHT + LOVE!

As we have taken time to look back at 2020 and the number of SAHA Sanghas held - each one was filled with stories, questions, healings, openings, tears of joy and laughter, meditation, moments of silence and a deep connection between souls around the globe, it is clear how important and expansive these Sanghas are for all involved. We are more excited than ever to GROW & EVOLVE TOGETHER as we expand into another year, dimension and reality unlike any we’ve known on Earth. NOW is the time to BE CONNECTED - within to YOUR DIVINE SOUL and without in connection to those particular souls with whom we can connect deeply and authentically on a Soul level that raises the vibrations of all involved.

Therefore, in Celebration of SOUL FAMILY and in celebration of new beginnings, we are offering discounts on all of our programs - our intention is to continue to expand the SAHA Soul Family and the offerings available throughout 2021 and beyond. Until everyone is able to travel with ease again, we will continue to create virtual offerings that connect us in Truth, Love, Joy and Yoga!

For the month of January we are pleased to offer you 20%-50% off our programs and trainings! We also have flexible payment plan arrangements that can be made for those in need.

We look forward to having you join us in celebration of LOVE + HEALING around the world,



For more information, please email us at

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts