Anahata - LOVE

Anahata - LOVE

The 4th chakra and Heart chakra is associated with LOVE, compassion, forgiveness, trust, vulnerability, joy, surrender, humility, harmony, faith and hope. The Heart chakra is connected to Divine Wisdom, Intelligence and Intuition – it is a portal to Divine Love.

The Art of Sadhana

The Art of Sadhana

Sadhana represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego. Getting into daily practice is part of the yogi's journey and the beginnings of a daily devotional Sadhana practise. The term sadhana comes from the Sanskrit root, sadhu, meaning (amongst many things) “go straight to a goal” or, "incarnation of Siva (Adiyogi)".

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Vishuddha - Sacred Sound

Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular, spiral patterns - the same principles of vibration in the manifest, physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world (many of which are in the process of manifestation into the physical).

Each sound, thing, and even every thought holds and emits its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

Energy Awareness as A Yoga Teacher 

Energy Awareness as A Yoga Teacher 

The goal of spiritual practice is unity with all of self, all of source, all of the I with all that Is. As practitioners and teachers of ancient practices which stem from worlds with much greater and deeper awareness of the flow of consciousness itself, it is important to cultivate an awareness of one’s inner spirit with the light and dark of “the all that is”.

Shri Yantra

Shri Yantra

“Yantra” comes from the root word “yam” meaning “instrument” or “support” & “tra” derives from “trana” meaning “release from bondage”. It represents the ongoing dance of Shiva & Shakti in the cosmos & their life-generative power.



“A yogi measures the span of life by the number of breaths, not by the number of years.” —Swami Sivananda



VICHARA / VICĀRA - conscious reflection or inquiry; subtle thought. Vichara is a yogic practice offered in Vedanta philosophy that involves stilling the fluctuations of the mind via a contemplative practice.



“Dharma doesn’t protect us from suffering - it allows us to move through it in the best way possible.” - KD

ॐ yogic wisdom & practice teaches us to step into our dharma by moving into our heart space awareness. Surrendering to our dharma (individually & collectively) creates peace in allowing our karma to unfold and the lessons to be learned.

ॐ at the heart of Tibetan & Indian Yogic teachings, there resides dharma. there are many meanings attributed to dharma, many layers, levels & dimensions to these ancient & sacred teachings. the dharmic path is the path of self-realization, transcendence of the ego-mind, body & 3d realms whilst embracing the path we are on. our dharma is simultaneously individually unique & part of the collective consciousness in which we currently live. if you find yourself struggling to find purpose & meaning in life; when the world does not “make sense”, when there is pain, suffering & confusion, dharma leads the way through & elevates our consciousness to a higher state of awareness.

ॐ After all, “your karma is your dharma” and we are here to learn, remember & awaken! once we remember we are on a spiritual journey there is no “going back” life reveals itself as a much different experience than the one we “thought” we were having, but the transition can be challenging. “the path offers freedom, but freedom demands complete surrender to your true nature”. - Ram Dass

ॐ with this awareness & practice in our lives, there is nothing we have to do - life will change automatically & synchronistically around & within us as we learn to be intuitively guided. There are many spiritual practices to empower & enlighten & support us along this ever-unfolding path!



ॐ Vrksasana // In many Indian traditions, trees, specifically the ashoka tree, are symbols of love & devotion. Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-ah-nah) can deceptively challenging.

Sukhasana - Easy Pose 

Sukhasana - Easy Pose 

Easy Pose is a seated posture and one of the first and most important postures to learn to practice.

Sukhasana is a traditional meditative posture and is available to practice for most people and body types, although it can take some getting used to ie; sitting on the floor, opening the hips, keeping the spine long and perhaps even sitting on a cushion.

For practitioners who can not sit on the floor even on a cushion, bolster, pillow, or block you can practice a modified baddha konasana or butterfly pose by placing the souls of the feet together while seated in a chair in order to open the hips.

For practitioners who can sit on the floor it is advisable to begin practicing this posture with a cushion to encourage a slight pelvic tilt and elevation of the hips.

It may take some time to feel comfortable in this posture as the psoas or hip flexors begin to soften, open and allow you to sit in this posture for prolonged periods of time.

Benefits of this posture include:

  • awakening a meditative state,

  • releasing tension and stress from the hip flexors,

  • aligning the spine, tuning into our bodies and breath. 

Tahawa Eli demonstrating Sukhasana:

  • Sit on your cushion, blanket or block, the aim is to be comfortable Sukhasana means Effortless or Easy Seat(posture)

  • This is similar to being “cross-legged” but not quite, sit with one shin, ankle or foot in front of the other parallel to each other on the floor, the hips are externally rotated and the knees are aiming towards the ground

  • Engage the belly button and straighten the spine, roll the shoulders back and down allowing the chest to open, the chin is parallel to the floor and the gaze is forward

  • You can sit with your hands in a mudra, palms open or face down on the knees, or one palm up and one palm face down

  • Sit in this posture and find your centre, breathe for 10 deep slow breaths or meditate in this posture for as long as you can, at some point it can be good to switch which leg is in front of the other in order to balance the opening of the hips

The Power of Mudra Work

The Power of Mudra Work

Mudra means “seal” - when we form a Mudra with our hands, we create energetic & physical connections between power points that allow us to link our individual Pranic life force with universal cosmic energy.
A timeless practise that offers a range of benefits to the practitioner. Especially when in combination with pranayama, asana & meditation, mudras improve physical, mental & spiritual well-being.

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

Āsanas aren’t just the advanced poses you see on Instagram. They are postures that are meant to condition the body so that it becomes a cleansed vessel for the spirit. Through movement our bodies become connected with our minds and eventually our divine selves. A large component of yogāsanas is the prāṇāyāma or rhythmic breathing which is essential in alleviating stress.  In scientific terms, when we suffer from chronic stress our autonomic nervous system, which consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic functions, goes awry.

yoga is healing

yoga is healing

Yoga is Healing magic! Yoga is a form of healing, strengthening and spirituality. for it is the answer to my unsettling pain and void. Security within myself, the ability to calm, therapy, meditation, an all-encompassing spiritual practice.

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

SAHA online yoga students answer, what is yoga? when starting their journeys to become certified yoga teachers. Noah has inspired us every step of the way with his devotion to the path, stepping through one window after another and stepping into his authentic and divine Self.

What is Yoga?

WHAT IS YOGA? It is a question that starts many of us on this path.. a journey of ten thousand miles that begins with the ground beneath you wherever you might find yourself. Yoga is an ever-expanding, rather uncontainable force of love & positive change. Often and correctly referred to as UNION, It means something different to everyone.