remembering who you are

11:11 Portal

11:11 Portal

Many of us have been feeling the building intensity, emotion and flow as we move through the shifting consciousness within our world at this time. This is the time of remembering our purpose on this Earth and for experiencing how this remembering heals the grief of forgetting who we are in this life.



“Dharma doesn’t protect us from suffering - it allows us to move through it in the best way possible.” - KD

ॐ yogic wisdom & practice teaches us to step into our dharma by moving into our heart space awareness. Surrendering to our dharma (individually & collectively) creates peace in allowing our karma to unfold and the lessons to be learned.

ॐ at the heart of Tibetan & Indian Yogic teachings, there resides dharma. there are many meanings attributed to dharma, many layers, levels & dimensions to these ancient & sacred teachings. the dharmic path is the path of self-realization, transcendence of the ego-mind, body & 3d realms whilst embracing the path we are on. our dharma is simultaneously individually unique & part of the collective consciousness in which we currently live. if you find yourself struggling to find purpose & meaning in life; when the world does not “make sense”, when there is pain, suffering & confusion, dharma leads the way through & elevates our consciousness to a higher state of awareness.

ॐ After all, “your karma is your dharma” and we are here to learn, remember & awaken! once we remember we are on a spiritual journey there is no “going back” life reveals itself as a much different experience than the one we “thought” we were having, but the transition can be challenging. “the path offers freedom, but freedom demands complete surrender to your true nature”. - Ram Dass

ॐ with this awareness & practice in our lives, there is nothing we have to do - life will change automatically & synchronistically around & within us as we learn to be intuitively guided. There are many spiritual practices to empower & enlighten & support us along this ever-unfolding path!