
11:11 Portal

11:11 Portal

Many of us have been feeling the building intensity, emotion and flow as we move through the shifting consciousness within our world at this time. This is the time of remembering our purpose on this Earth and for experiencing how this remembering heals the grief of forgetting who we are in this life.

Virtual Ascension Yoga Teacher Trainings 2020

Virtual Ascension Yoga Teacher Trainings 2020

After just having wrapped up our first ever Virtual Ascension Yoga Teacher Training Retreat, we felt it was important for us to share our deepest gratitude and excitement about this incredible experience! 🦋
Together we truly RISE and we couldn’t be more grateful to the many brilliant & beautiful Souls who joined us on this educational and deeply spiritual journey. 🧘🏽‍♀️
Together in this time of great change and thanks to Yoga Alliance for providing this window of grace for virtual trainings during quarantine, we are awakening, remembering & dreaming a new dream for Mother Earth, humanity & all Beings! 🧘🏻