We often talk about Nature as if it’s outside ourselves, but ultimately we are NATURE. Nature exists outside AND inside of us. NATURE is US - wild, brilliant, beautiful & free!

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The process of awakening or the process of ascension is not simply a concept or an experience for those who choose some sort of spiritual practice in order to connect to divinity and transcend limitations, although it helps. Ascension is an evolutionary and natural, organic process that is destined for all beings in one form or another. When we are part of life, we are part of this process. Through self realization we may become more aware of how the awakening is affecting us, how we can work with the energies of ascension, and how to reclaim forgotten wisdom which can make the evolution of the self to feel more natural, perhaps even gentler or more smooth.

We are in a time of immense transformation throughout our planet right Now and all people are being called to recollect wisdom from the past and integrate teachings of healing and sustainability into the present reality. Here lies the process of ascension, through the sharing of knowledge, traditional and evolutionary, we catalyse the awakening in one another and an integral piece of this awakening calls us to connect to the nature around us. To be one who is living a conscious life or who wishes to claim enlightenment, an awakened state or to be aware of the ascension process within and all around, one must take the time to connect to the divine Mother of us All, Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamama, Bhumi, Uma, Shakti, prakriti expressed in matter. 

Our process of awakening as an interconnected web of light, souls and light beings of multiple dimensions and wavelengths, all beings of all realms in their own divine right to exist happily and freely. As a web of light our goal is to live in harmony with the nature all around and which supports us with the sacred energy of lifeforce found ever present in the mother of us all. When we hear the call to awaken ourselves or to ascend we are truly being asked to return to connection with our sacred mother earth, we are being reminded to respect every being, animals, plants, rocks and trees, water, earth, fire and air. Through the process of “ascension” we are being asked to dream awake a world of harmony, balance and compassion, a nurturing, organic environment for all to evolve harmoniously into infinite dimensional light beings and crystalline souls embodied in oneness, expressed through individuality. 


Take a few deep breaths and open your mind to visualize a seed in the ground, this seed is destined to become a flower, it can be any flower you feel called to visualize or feels fresh in your mind. Breathe deeply and slowly into this visualization and see the sprout pushing through the darkness growing bit by bit, but almost at hyperspeed so you can observe each stage. Hold this flower in your mind’s eye and in your heart centre, imagine yourself sending this flower love throughout it’s process of growth, providing all of the nourishment, elements and care it needs to grow. Now begin to see many different seeds and many different flowers and notice how the each take a different process, grow at different times, and need different levels of all elements in balance to grow into their individual expression as a flower. See this in your mind’s eye and observe what is the one thing connecting all of these seeds, growing in process, individually expressing their beauty as they do so? Your awareness shifts to the ground, to the soil, your awareness is able to observe the roots and observe the interconnected nature of all things. You are one of these flowers, held by mother earth, along with every other being, in a process of individual expression of your divinity. 

There is a tremendous opportunity at this time to reConnect to our nature as hueman beings, as stewards of this planet, onesplanet’s, ones who care for and nurture the earth and each other through loving intention and equanimity. Right now we have a unique space in time and consciousness to take a chance on ourselves and on life itself, we have the space and time right now to choose to evolve along with the transformation of the times. The earth is calling us to wake up, however probably not in the way that you think, Mother Earth is not taking revenge, she is asking for help, she is asking for us to connect to her and remember that there is medicine in every breath and medicine on every land. Our souls are calling us to hear her cries for help, her asking for us to remember and her joyous, caring embrace when we do. This is our time now to reconnect to our true nature and see the beauty, the medicine, and the awakening opportunity which is contained in every plant, every river, stream and sea. 

How can we take steps to remember who we are and reconnect to our nature?

  • Grounding; the process of taking ones barefeet out to the bare earth

  • Herbal Medicines; there is so much to know in the plant world, even what many perceive to be common weeds are actually very powerful medicine, even dandelions!

  • Essential Oils; plant essences for healing an array of afflictions in this 3d realm

  • Ceremonies, Offerings and Prayers; over millenia cultures across the planet of held the plants, the earth and the elements (fire,air, earth, water, spirit) as sacred and divine, many different cultures and many different plants have interacted with each other in an almost interdimensional manner through intentional recognition of the power and the spirit of the plants, the earth, the sun, the stars and the elements, some have characterised these energies as beings and have special names to refer to the spirit which guides the medicines of the plants and necessary cosmic order. Connecting to the spirits of the earth involve sacred songs or icaros, plant medicine ceremonies, tobacco offerings, prayers to the elemental or nature spirit (deva) of the plants themselves, prayers and songs to the earth and the sun as well as offerings to the sacred fire for spirits and ancestors past to create and maintain harmony throughout all realms, timelines and dimensions.

Now is the time for those who seek wisdom to gather it, and those who contain wisdom to share it. Sacred teachings span all cultures and ancestral lineages and respect of all origins and all held traditions is necessary through the process of acquaintance to sacred knowledge. Everywhere we look throughout history and everything we observe in the now can and does contain medicine, wisdom and evolutionary teachings, to integrate these observations simply requires some tools to know how and where to look. If you are reading this right now, you are part of a prayer. You are part of a prayer to unite all beings of all colours, creeds and nations, including the plants and animals, waters, rocks and trees. Perhaps there is a calling within you or you have heard the calling of mother earth, whatever that resonance is guiding your way to deeper knowledge, now is the time to answer it! 

Blessed Be, To All Our Relations

Tahawa Eli & the SAHA Community

Please join us in the following Virtual Retreat to experience healing & (re)connection to your nature!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts