What is Divine Light Energy Healing?

Divine Light Energy Healing

The practice of healing with energy spans many different traditions and has roots in ancient practices and cultures. Many different branches or types of energy healing exist and take different forms depending on traditions, regions and belief systems relative to where the forms of healing originally took root.

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One of the most commonly known systems of energy healing is Reiki, as an example to help you tune into what is being discussed in this article. These forms of healing are all based on intention and vibration. The basic and principle understanding that we are energy, we are multidimensional and we are quantum allows us to experience ourselves as part of all things throughout all of existence; this awareness gives us the power to empower ourselves with healing abilities. 

Awareness of the greater energy body, the emotional body, the power of the mind and the power of consciousness itself is a key to being able to access the innate healing abilities contained with the human being. Everyone is able to heal themselves through intention, awareness, breath work, visualization and choosing to embody a daily healing and meditation practice in some form or another which resonates with one’s individual being.

There are many different tools and processes of healing energy to allow you to tune into your individual intuitive and healing power. You have the power to heal yourself, you have the power to heal others.

Every human is naturally empathic and we all have natural processes within the brain and body to process emotions, physical signals, substances, energies and experiences. The body is built with systems in place to process absolutely everything it interacts with, so why would it not have a system naturally in place to help process “things” of an energetic or etheric nature?

It is known science that the heart generates an electromagnetic field and that this field is measurable around the body. In many systems it has been dubbed the “Aura” and has been often described or perceived as waves or rays of colour around the physical body comprising an energetic outline or signature of the person or being. 

If it is true that we have eyelashes and nose hairs to filter out particulate toxins of a material or physical nature, it is true that the electromagnetic field around the body can be looked at like the first line of defence naturally present to help prevent infection from and protect against any energetic toxins whether particulate or wave based. It is observed that electromagnetic frequencies and radioactive waves and/or particles have a clear effect of the electromagnetic and physiological systems of organic matter and beings. If this is true from a technological emanation of wave frequencies whether light, sounds or particulate then it could be also true that a human being could energetically affect the physiology of another being or otherwise organic matter through the vibrational resonance of the electromagnetic field of the heart.


What if through intention we could change our environment? For intention is thought and thought changes reality. Quantum and microcellular sciences have actually proven that thought has an effect on reality, so do words, sounds, intentions, prayers, mantras and group consciousness. 

Throughout various studies to this date it has been shown that different words, thoughts and intentions change the molecular structure of water, it has been shown that different forms of music or sounds (a vibration based waveform which emits light) can change the way the brain responds to information or even the way a plant or entire crop can grow. We see that UV light can destroy viruses and bacteria, we have observed that groups of meditators can affect the general populations and regions around them through group consciousness focussing on peace and thereby changing the rates of crimes and violence in whole villages and even cities.

Throughout time immemorial traditional and indigenous cultures have held ceremonies and carried forward oral traditions of prayers, songs and medicines of nature to remind us that we have the power and available tools for healing always in our grasp. Whether healing comes from within our bodies naturally as a result of the physiological functions of our immune systems or whether we can have an affect on these natural processes through intention, healing is always available to us in the NOW, we always have the power to heal ourselves no matter what society or general common beliefs say now in our modern world. 

For hundreds and thousands of years including to this very day many keepers of the knowledge of energy healing, quantum healing, body energy magic, shamanism, precognition, psychic and intuitive powers, traditional medicines, the power of women and so much more have been oppressed, ostracized and even destroyed so that those who control the narrative of what is healing, what is medicine and the like, could keep that control over the general population.

NOW is the time to say no to the oppression of knowledge that every being has within, now is the time for us to help each other to tap into the energies of healing and the powers that we each have to manifest transformation within ourselves and the world!

INTENTION IS EVERYTHING, awareness is key, listening to the body and opening up to infinite possibilities will help you to awaken the divine energy within you. This energy is always there, simply waiting for you to tap into it and to choose to use it to heal yourself and expand your being into greater awareness and deeper wisdom. 

As a healer and teacher myself in this life and from tuning into past life memories, I remember who I am as healer and magician in other lives. When I started to receive healing knowledge in my dreams as a child, my imagination ran wild to all of the wondrous possibilities we can create as humans. Even the potential to fly did not seem so far out of my reach when I realized I had both the ability to make myself sick and to heal myself just as quickly, simply through the belief repeated in my head. When I realized later in life that if I focussed on a belief of healing in my mind and sent the energy outward to another and the body would react to the energy, I reaffirmed my belief that Magic really is real.

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Throughout this journey as one who brings healing through energy I have been amazed by the possibilities of what I have seen take place in healing myself and others, as well as left with a thirst ever reaching to crack through the barriers of possibility into the unbound. Learning to heal my body, mind and spirit is an infinitely evolving process of learning new skills and talents, connecting to ancient and new tools and techniques, remembering my voice and allowing myself to be who I truly am! 

When our intentions are focussed on health, happiness, love and unity, this energy spreads from us and calls the very same into our fields. We have the power to support each other through any process of emotion, be it fear or sadness, pain or love, everyone and everything is connected. Sometimes it is as simple as getting out of the way of your mind or ego in order to see the full picture of what someone is going through. Every single one of us has the ability to sense and feel another, all it takes is acceptance and allowance of the flow of the energy to be observed.

Energy is always moving and transforming through us, when we tap into it and choose a focus the possibilities are endless, we may tune in through colour visualization or sound, we may use plants and medicines to assist us through meditations, we may use healing language or affirmations, no matter what resonates with each of us, we each have the opportunity to move the energy within us and all around us in order to bring change, healing and transformation, when our intentions are focussed on compassion and love, love and compassion return to us.

When we choose to pull away and cleanse ourselves of toxins, whether physical or etheric we are choosing to alchemize the energy within us in harmony with the light of mother earth and father sky bringing balance. This choice to cleanse ourselves of what is no longer serving us, helps us to activate our innate healing power and through this choice we may access the divine light that is the all that is. Rainbow light, white light, gold light and sound, opening the third eye, opening the crown allowing the self to grow the roots deep into the ground. We allow ourselves to feel, we allow ourselves to heal.

We are clear and open channels of the love and the light of source.

We are clear and open channels of the love and the light of the all that is.

We are clear and open channels of the love and the light of creation.

We are all energy. 


Tahawa Eli

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Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts