Amanda (video)

Amanda (video)

FEB 2019 Soul Ascension Online Yoga Teacher Training graduate, Amanda!, shares her experience of the course and why she believes if you're thinking about it, that you should stop thinking and do it NOW! "It was a Life changing experience!" says, Amanda... click on the title to watch the video!



“I am so grateful you guys have us teach the free class to the public down there. It gets all the first time jitters out. I start teaching next week & I’m not so afraid because I’ve already done it. I appreciate you. With every atom and cell in my body, & fiber of my DNA. You guys changed my life.”



“Where to begin? I thought I would leave this training today saying ‘that was the hardest thing I have ever done’.I can instead express it was the greatest, most joyous, deepest, challenging, phenomenal exploration. A full breakdown of barriers, coupled with the laying of new foundations. Time sped up and slowed down simultaneously and an intense vortex of learning, loving, and laughter ensued!
The diversity accompanying the education is incomparable to any educative experience I have had before and surpassed all expectations. I keep wondering how can fully communicate the experience to others in ‘just’ words- if only other people could just feel my emotions! I feel held and supported and believe my journey with these teachers has just awoken and taken its first baby steps. A beautiful feeling of continuity rather than ending. I will be spreading your message and your light and I respect every element of each of you personally, the way in which you interact with the world and the way that you teach. Keep in touch my sister and brother and teachers and friends.”



“Taking SAHA’s Ascension Yoga Training is not to be missed. After having the opportunity to be a yoga teacher for 4 years, taking many additional trainings, the Ascension Yoga program revitalizes you as a person first so you can be of more value when you choose to teach others. As I learned techniques to release, and replenish myself inwardly, I find myself able to transfer these many feelings of light, love and healing to clients.”

Amanda (Video)

Amanda (Video)

Are you considering taking The Soul Ascension Healing Arts 200 hour yoga teacher training program?! We'd love to have you join us! Learn more about what we offer at SAHA from Amanda. Amanda Schuler Davidshofer completed her 200 Hr YTT program with us in July of 2017. We love you Amanda!



“To my dear Teachers, THANK YOU! For guiding me through training, creating a safe and loving space for me to transform and opening your life journey to include me. I hope this message conveys my gratitude and love for you. I am journeying forth with a deeper yoga practice, a new skill set, limitless abundance and unconditional love.”



“I am so grateful I was able to complete my YTT here. It was an eye-opening experience that changed my life for the better. I learned about and developed my teaching skills for multiple types of yoga, grew spiritually, and was able to heal emotionally. We had amazing teachers who all contributed in their own ways to make the experience even more special. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to learn more about yoga for their personal practice, becoming a teacher, or seeking spiritual growth. I am very blessed that I was able to train with such an inspiring group of people who give their continuous support and encouragement.”



“I think that a person makes the decision to join a Yoga Teacher Training at a point of pivot in their lives. Not everyone can take leave of their families, jobs, and lives to devote such concentrated time to themselves. But from I what I noticed and experienced, this pivot indicates a realization that you have been neglecting to listen to your heart (or gut, or intuition, or whatever you want to call it) and you want to remember how.
I came to my yoga teacher training thinking that I wanted to grow physically strong and powerful, learning all the complicated moves I’ve seen people perform in classes and online - a primarily superficial and athletic endeavor. The first week frustrated and shocked me, I was ill prepared to talk about my emotions and spirit. Spirit! This isn’t even a word I ever felt comfortable using before my teacher training. Yes! I’d watched plenty of people in testimonials explain their spiritual growth, but I thought that wasn’t for me, that I could float above and ignore all that. But sitting with yourself and being surrounded by the loving net of those practicing with you will turn anyone honest. I realized that I didn’t come to try to be an acrobat - I came hoping to rebuild my self and personality. And what I found is that I didn’t have to rebuild anything - that I was there, but I was a little dusty. And I found that yoga is, for me, a daily dusting off of myself. Honoring, respecting, and keeping beautiful and clean!
And then once I realized that, I found that I was getting pretty strong, pretty flexible, and those complicated postures were starting to happen.
Thank you to my guides and instructors. I realized more each day what you have give to me and I love you dearly.”



“I’m so grateful I chose to do my teacher training with SAHA. They were amazing teachers, each with their own facets of expertise that meshed beautifully together. After finishing this training I felt completely confident teaching my first classes. The open atmosphere of this training allowed for our group to tune into deep physical, emotional, and spiritual levels - I know every one of us left that training expanded in body, mind, and soul. We definitely tuned into to the true core of yoga, while still learning the practicals of applying it as a teacher. Big Pine Key is a great place to escape the noise and focus on truly deepening your practice. Beautiful sunsets, experiences, conversations, and connections with beautiful people. If you’re considering a yoga teacher training: these are the people, this is the place, and now is the time to do it. It will enrich your understanding of yourself, deepening your experience in every moment after, while giving you the means to share this open space with others and cultivate real connections.”



“This was by far a complete and holistic yoga teacher training program. Not only did I receive instruction in various yoga styles, theories, asanas, and history, but I also received instruction in various types of meditation, adjustments, daily practice, teaching practice, and nutrition, accompanied by song, restoration sessions, and genuine support for growth. An “omazing” experience! My 200-hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training with the teachers of Soul Ascension Healing Arts was by far the most self-enlightening, personal transformation I have experienced in my wide range of professional learning endeavors.
I have worked with my body from a young age, having received ballet training from principal dancers at New York City Ballet, as well as modern dance instruction from headliners of Momix and Pilobolus, along with Pilates, yoga, and various fitness trainers. Although I know I have benefited from all these other ventures I have embarked on, it is this sole experience that has allowed me to be break free of my own barriers and be confident in sharing my yoga practice as a teacher as well as a forever student.
Under the individualized guidance of the instructors Molly Warner and Eli Kaiser, I was provided with a program that not only educated me about the history of yoga, how to teach the many styles of yoga such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, and Yin, I also learned how to meditate and teach meditation, the importance of nutrition in healing the body within, as well as the role of the physical anatomy of the body in developing and deepening a yoga practice.
I personally left this teaching training empowered and uplifted, authentically connected to the practice of yoga and its healing benefits. These three instructors each possess unique gifts that invite teachers in training to go within, find love and healing for themselves, and then emanate that knowledge as yoga teachers.”



“SAHA’s Ascension Yoga Program made my training experience literally unforgettable and very life changing!! The deep level of love and compassion the teachers have for their students is felt greatly and made the whole experience just amazing. And being that training was in the beautiful fl keys that made it even better because I got to leave the distractions at home and completely submerge myself and in just those 21 days I grew and learned sooo much and I am full of nothing but love and gratitude for the magic that occurred while undergoing my yoga teacher training.”



“Soul Ascension Yoga went way above and beyond expectations in helping me reach my dream of becoming a yoga teacher. I recommend this school to everyone looking to change their lives both in and out of the yoga room. At the age of 48 I decided to follow my dream of becoming a yoga instructor. I figured after having three children who are all out of school now it was time for “Mom”. So I enrolled in the Soul Ascension School for the 200-hour YTT. I just wanted to teach yoga poses to students - pretty simple right? Well there was so much more and I had to really dig deep, much deeper than ever before. The teachers could not have been more amazing through every step of my spiritual journey – yes, spiritual! Not just yoga postures! I had always put myself last at everything, for as long as I could remember. I literally had no love or appreciation for myself. After three of the most OMazing weeks of my life (no exaggeration) I found a new Michelle who could even repeat these three words and mean it: I AM LOVE! I continue to work hard embracing this new life, this new spirituality both in and out of the yoga room. I am still in contact everyday with all 8 of my yoga sisters and if I ever have a question, or a problem I know the SAHA community is a phone call away. I am grateful beyond words for my yoga family. I embrace each day, each moment, with love, compassion, and gratitude. I look forward to the next 48 years.”



“I was fortunate to complete a 200 YTT with SAHA in Big Pine, Florida in April 2016. My experience was one deeply rooted in learning, love, and healing. SAHA teachers created an interactive and perfectly paced learning environment that encouraged us all to open up, wake up, and tune in to the universe and infinite wisdom within. If you are looking for an experience that will help take you to the next level, this is the school for you.”



“Soul Ascension Yoga went way above and beyond expectations in helping me reach my dream of becoming a yoga teacher. I recommend this school to everyone looking to change their lives both in and out of the yoga room. At the age of 48 I decided to follow my dream of becoming a yoga instructor. I figured after having three children who are all out of school now it was time for “Mom”. So I enrolled in the Soul Ascension School for the 200-hour YTT. I just wanted to teach yoga poses to students - pretty simple right? Well there was so much more and I had to really dig deep, much deeper than ever before. The teachers could not have been more amazing through every step of my spiritual journey – yes, spiritual! Not just yoga postures! I had always put myself last at everything, for as long as I could remember. I literally had no love or appreciation for myself. After three of the most OMazing weeks of my life (no exaggeration) I found a new Michelle who could even repeat these three words and mean it: I AM LOVE! I continue to work hard embracing this new life, this new spirituality both in and out of the yoga room. I am still in contact everyday with all 8 of my yoga sisters and if I ever have a question, or a problem I know the SAHA community is a phone call away. I am grateful beyond words for my yoga family. I embrace each day, each moment, with love, compassion, and gratitude. I look forward to the next 48 years.”

Molly Gene

Molly Gene

“This past April I attended the Soul Ascension Yoga Teacher Training at Full Circle Wellness in beautiful Big Pine Florida. I had some training prior, but this specific Teacher Training was the most powerful and transforming experience of my life.
Going into this training I was a little nervous because I knew that every insecurity I had would be lifted to the surface and be revealed. Through the guided meditations and other techniques, I was taught how to identify my emotions that did not serve me, to understand where they came from, and to move through them in a positive and productive way. Through it all I found the courage to forgive myself for any negative past thoughts and actions, while realizing that it was an essential part of my personal growth. Due to the intensity of the experience there was a moment in my training when all the toxic energy inside of me from my past was being released; the guilt and negative judgments that I held in my mind and muscle tissues were rising and coming out of my body! The release was profound!
Since the training I am so much happier. I make more time for yoga and meditation, which dramatically reduces my anxiety and mental chatter, leaving me with a deeper sense of contentment. The focus on organic, living foods in the meal plan has inspired me to improve my diet at home. My music career is blossoming as I now have the confidence to say, “No” when I need to, and to ask for what I need. This has allowed me to have the schedule I want, leaving more time for family and self-care. Yoga is a constant guide for me to make deep and positive changes within myself.