The Path of Ascension Vol. 4.4 - The Path of Unification

Dear Integrated Soul,

As we walk through the waves of energy, emotion, confusion and clarity, wisdom and ignorance, we are called to look at our true selves and find ways to focus our energies on returning to the source within, returning to the center of ourselves. This “returning to center” is another aspect of The Path of Unification, our centered self is the result of taking the time to cultivate the optimal and ideal energy and state in order to express ourselves fully in our truth in life. It is often found that over time we experience so many experiences on such a spectrum and range of emotion that we become sort of scattered, this feeling of being scattered is due to fragmented energy. We are multidimensional beings, we are energy as matter, we are consciousness as matter, as multidimensional beings our focus is a major part of what “makes or breaks” our lives, when we focus on too many things at once that we can not think any of them through, we are actually not only splitting our minds we are also fragmenting our energy. We leave energetic imprints in space time with everything we do, the more emotionally intense a moment is, the more likely we are to make a fragmentation or a split, this occurs in traumatic moments and it also occurs in the most emotionally impactful along the entire spectrum of emotion. The more we focus outwardly without true awareness and the less grounded we are, the more we become scattered in our minds. To take the time to breathe and come back to center, reminds us to step into the eternal now moment and allow ourselves to connect the unified consciousness within and all around. To unify, we must integrate, our light and our shadows.

Integration is about claiming back all of the emotionally charged moments in your life and finding the route to neutralization and “de” or repolarization. When we go into our deepest shadows and when we revisit our greatest highs, we can start getting stuck in the past or the future and this leads to being absent from the now. In order to live in a unified state, one must become fully present with the now, the eternal now moment which connects us all through space and time is ever present and ever calling you home to your soul. You are the light of your soul, you are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are bliss, you are, you are. To remember this truth is to integrate all parts of you which you have left behind, lost, felt separate from, or been stuck reliving, you deserve to move on with your life and in order to do that one needs to love and let go, it is in the power of accepting, loving and forgiving all of the hard moments in life that we gather the power to actually fully integrate the best ones.

Our universe does not have light without shadow, everything is in divine balance, the more we focus on one thing the more we create that energy with our mind, if we are always focused on the shadow, the shadow gets bigger, when we focus on the power of the light, the light gets bigger, the truth is, balance will always find it’s way, which is why we are called to neutralize the pain of the past and neutralize the anticipation or fear of the future, by coming into the now. It is as simple as taking a deep breath and saying to yourself, “I surrender, I allow, I surrender, I allow, I allow myself to be present in the Now” allow the breath to flow through you and listen to the breath flowing in and out, come into presence with yourself, now say, “ I love my shadow, I love my light, I am balance” take a few deep breaths and repeat these a few times continuing deep powerful breaths in between the words. Now continuing along and allow your awareness to remind you of a moment where you lost yourself, you lost control, you were so ecstatic you couldn’t contain yourself, you were so elated you burst out into laughter or singing, the moments you fell in love, the moments you felt abused, think of the times in your life that were the most emotionally charged, breathe deeply and repeat a few times “ I love myself, I accept myself, I am love, I integrate all aspects of myself now, I love and accept myself fully and completely, I integrate my shadows with no judgement, I integrate my light with no judgement, I claim all fragments of my being back now, I am empowered, integrated and complete” read a few times to remember the previous set and keep repeating these until you feel some kind of shift in your body mind our soul.

We will continue to explore The Path of Unification for a few more Days!!!! Thank you for being here Now!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts