The Path of Ascension Vol 4.3 - The Path of Unification

Dear Balanced universe within,

You are a sacred being of divine love, divine masculine and divine feminine. You are a sacred being of the elements, earth, air, fire, water, soul. You are a divine co-creator with the universe and the spark of unity within you, brings you closer each moment to balance. As one who seeks to embody an ascended reality as a unified being, we are called to find our own individual interpersonal balance. We are encouraged by the universal ebb and flow of unconditional love to remember who we truly are and find the light of creation within us. Universal consciousness seeks to re-unite with itself, you are that consciousness and when we are called to find ourselves, to heal and love ourselves, to find community, we are being washed with the waves of unified consciousness, the source of the all that is, mother-father-child-creator. We each have the capacity and capability to break through our limiting beliefs and open up to the possibilities of true soul embodiment-to become one with and fully express the truth of soul”.

Ah, so, when we ask you to go into your core and ask yourself “who am I really?” we are asking you to check in with the truth of soul, to go into this core energy of self and to inquire within, is a door to infinite possibilities. The entire universal consciousness is distilled into your being, when you open up the light of your life through unification and balance of the energy body you begin to receive access to and gifts from the universal consciousness within, which seeks to help you evolve to a state of unconditional. Even the most challenging and scary experiences of our lives are organized by universal consciousness, as every state, energy and emotion of every being resonates out with vibration which changes the reality around us and can affect our perceptions.

The affect of disconnection to soul is what leaves us in a separated mindset and this colors our reality with judgements, doubts, fears and dissonance. We have the power and the choice to embody a state of unification through connection to soul. Connection to soul is really about reflecting, noticing and allowing yourself to truly observe all of the beautiful reflections available to you in every moment. Every being, every manifestation in front of us, is a divine reflection, a reflection of the forces of universal creativity. Everything which we perceive is interconnected by the ethers, akash, quantum energy (strings), this web of interconnection is designing the ebb and flow of universal consciousness through and between all beings. The more connected we become to truth within us, the more capable we become of perceiving and co-creating with the webs of creation.

As a creator being, it is important to remember that everything is vibration.

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts