The Path of Ascension Vol. 4 - The Path of Unification

Dear Unity Consciousness Within,

This day, we are grateful to be able to connect to you in a state of oneness. When you read the words and absorb the energies of different dimensions and higher frequency dimensions, you are experiencing a state of unification with divine energy, we are tapping into oneness with you when you choose to open your mind to the possibilities of Universal Consciousness. The concept of Universal consciousness is that all things, all creations, immaterial and material all derive from the same source of all that is, consciousness itself.

The universe is constantly moving to create a state of unity with itself, all of the individual manifestations of source consciousness are energetically influenced by the movements of the solar systems, star systems, galaxies and the universe at large, and this energetic ebb and flow which create the pull back to source, seeks to create balance and unified fields of energy. This is part of why you see certain resonant frequencies find their way to each other and seem to stick together, the school system has often shown us this, how cliques are formed between people with like interests, the universe is always intending to bring forth greater forms of unity. The gravity of unity, pulls similarly energetic resonant fields to each other. This creates a consciousness which feels greater than the self by realization that there are like minded souls who feel connected to, or one with some of the same ideas we do, this creates that sense of unity by noticing the reflections around us carry something within them that we share together. When this unity consciousness kicks into gear in a pocket or a group, that group is built with a buzz or an energy which supports the goal of that current collective, and/or creates a “group mind” you see this play out in many situations; a yoga class, a group workout, a sporting event, a concert, a festival, a team of colleagues in certain work situations, a band or choir, sacred ceremonies, churches, extremist groups, protest groups, corrupt government, propagandists and those receiving the propaganda. Unity consciousness is not always a directly positive thing, it will always show us our power to function as one towards some common goal or feeling, however it can be used also as a tool against the human psyche and spirit, towards goals of hatred, acquisition, genocide and warfare. The fact that unity consciousness can be manipulated is a major factor in our evolution.

The true unity consciousness is one of oneness and equality, it is not quite the same as what happens when minds are manipulated into creating a group mind. A group mind can be programmed to create common outcomes which seek to actually separate us further from the true state of unification or oneness. The Path of Unification really starts with remembering that we are already united beings within. We are already one with god and the light and love of creation protects us and unites us with the divine intention of source which is to live in oneness, harmony, peace, unconditional love and abundance. All beings deserve to experience the state of unification and it is up to the human being, residing here with Mother Gaia, to choose a state of unification within which then resonates out to the whole collective field. To walk the path of unification is to find ways to have compassion for all experiences of this realm. We are being guided and encouraged to learn how to accept and love ourselves from our deep inner core, expanding the energy of self love into our fields and out into the earth. The vibration of deep inner love for the self, unconditional love for the self, and the recognition of that same love within all beings brings a vibration into the aura which creates a space of loving awareness and compassion. We have recorded much about those whom have carried these types of fields in our histories. Whether you believe in them as people or as symbols, beings such as; Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Parvati Shakti, Krishna, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Mother Mary and many more figures in the human consciousness, have carried fields of true unity consciousness, which is created from a space of unconditional loving awareness, compassion and inner unification.

A unified being creates unity within, this inner unified state of consciousness cultivates a vibration and field of space holding, community and connection. A truly unified consciousness within emanates out with love, inclusion and compassion for All people. The core energy of true unification is to look at the oneness within all beings, to see that everyone and everything is a reflection of the very same life within you. When you bring balance and unification to the energies and aspects of your being you start to create the space and resonant vibration within to cultivate an energy of unification around you, this means, not only will you feel more connected to the people in your life, open, loving and compassionate, but you may also start to notice a deeper feeling of connection to the earth, to sacred teachings and rituals, to the animals, plants and elements all around you. This higher vibrational state brings an energy of peace and an opening to loving awareness, in loving awareness, we are more capable of releasing our old attachments and stepping into a space of forgiveness, compassion and love, from this place we can actually make changes. Until we can fully love ourselves, it is a challenge to transform, and even greater so to unite and love all our relations. The true healing starts within!

As you walk The Path of Unification, let your breath be your guide. Tune in deeply to the energy of the breath, the ebb and flow of the universe breathing through you. Breathe in loving light and let go of all else, breathe in peace and beauty, let go of all else, breathe in freedom, let go of all else, breathe in sacred energy, breathe out all else. Create a slow deep breathing cycle for yourself and feel your energy expanding. Continue your breaths while you start to think “ I am one with my True Self, I am One with my True Power, I am one with the love and light of the universe” do a few cycles of repetition of these healing commands and increase the depth of your breath for a couple of minutes. Let the breath become more powerful with a strong inhale filling the belly, then a HAAAA sighing breath out. Now start a few cycles of repetition Aloud, continue for another minute or two. Now begin again with the following “ I am one with Mother Earth, I am one with Father Sky, I am one with my higher self, I am one with my brightest light, I am one, I am one, I am one!” Read this through a few times aloud before you begin, in order to get it into your memory, then start the cycle of breaths, increasing depth and strength of the breath until you come into a cleansing inhale, breathing in through the nose filling the belly, envision light if you can, exhale HAAAAA, then start to repeat the healing commands aloud for a couple of minutes. When you feel complete, sit and breathe naturally, visualize, sense or feel, yourself sinking into the ground a little bit, imagine growing roots from the legs, ankles, knees and seat. Breathe deeply and slowly here for as long as you see fit. Close the exercise with gratitude.

Blessings on this opening to unification, we will take more time with this path and unite the first three paths of Ascension we have gone through over the next week, The Path Of Forgiveness, The Path of Awareness and The Paths of Fortification

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts