The Path Of Ascension Vol. 5.2- The Path of Integration

Breathe and be free today! You are a divine sacred soul of light. Invite all aspects of yourself to spring forth from your being. Integration is often about little reminders to take care of ourselves, acknowledge our needs and take time to give and receive to the self and from the self. As an ascending soul you are being asked to attune your vibration to that of the higher dimensions of consciousness and in that attunement you are being called to dedicate yourself to your path of awakening, unconditional love and even enlightenment.

The energy of integration, when it comes to uniting with universal consciousness is really one of the most important parts of our learning experience here as humans. Integration is like a downloading and uploading process of information to the universe, the more clearly and openly one can receive and integrate experiences and teachings, the more information the universe has from which to grow and expand. Every individual experience creates an imprint in the universal flow and this imprint resonates out to the universe as the collective learns what the individual is learning. Over time, this process changes the way the next generation responds to the information, this is adaptation and genetic memory. After years and years of technological advancements, we see now that the younger generation picks up the technologies available to them earlier and they seem to have some base understanding of the functionality before anyone really teaches them, this is largely because so much of our lives have been integrated with technology. This process has taken, realistically over a century since mass electrification and frequency radiation of the planet with public electricity and radio being introduced on the planet. Every individual has been affected by this over time and the changes and adaptations that human beings can make in such short periods of time are truly astonishing.

The entire genetic structure and mental scale of what is possible can change within a decade and less even now. This makes for such rapid adaptation that we often forget to pause, reflect and integrate, this is why it takes time. When we integrate what has come before us, the foundation is stronger and we can build up even more energy and inspiration in our lives and the world at large. This is not to say every piece of knowledge, every experience and every facet which needs to be integrated is inherently good for the collective or the individual, this is not really the point, the point is to come to a place where all that is dual becomes integrated back into oneness. When we are walking the Path of Integration, it is important to take the time to truly love and respect yourself for all that you are. Love and accept yourself for all that you have been through and let the good and the bad be thanked, integrated and released. When you integrate the lessons, all attachments, mental and emotional, dissolve away and you become more whole. How can you take time to integrate today?

We write less today, so that you have more time to integrate. Breathe deeply and let yourself feel and be complete, whole, beautiful as one with the light and the love of the universe! You are whole, you are complete, you are Love!

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts