Molly Gene

“This past April I attended the Soul Ascension Yoga Teacher Training at Full Circle Wellness in beautiful Big Pine Florida. I had some training prior, but this specific Teacher Training was the most powerful and transforming experience of my life.
Going into this training I was a little nervous because I knew that every insecurity I had would be lifted to the surface and be revealed. Through the guided meditations and other techniques, I was taught how to identify my emotions that did not serve me, to understand where they came from, and to move through them in a positive and productive way. Through it all I found the courage to forgive myself for any negative past thoughts and actions, while realizing that it was an essential part of my personal growth. Due to the intensity of the experience there was a moment in my training when all the toxic energy inside of me from my past was being released; the guilt and negative judgments that I held in my mind and muscle tissues were rising and coming out of my body! The release was profound!
Since the training I am so much happier. I make more time for yoga and meditation, which dramatically reduces my anxiety and mental chatter, leaving me with a deeper sense of contentment. The focus on organic, living foods in the meal plan has inspired me to improve my diet at home. My music career is blossoming as I now have the confidence to say, “No” when I need to, and to ask for what I need. This has allowed me to have the schedule I want, leaving more time for family and self-care. Yoga is a constant guide for me to make deep and positive changes within myself.

— Molly Gene”

Soul Ascension Healing Arts

Global Community & Online School of Yoga & Healing Arts